
Openly Gay Priest Speaks at Inauguration

If you don't know this... you haven't been paying attention...

The outcry against Rick Warren's presence, invitation, and speech at the upcoming inauguration MAY have sparked this decision by the President Elect, or someone who knows how to appease people...


Rick Warren has compared consenting adult homosexual relationships to that of pedophiles and incest.

Brief, interesting, and informative interview FROM CNN.COM:

(CNN) — The first openly gay priest ordained by a major Christian denomination will deliver the invocation at the kickoff inauguration event Sunday at the Lincoln Memorial.

The Rev. Gene Robinson, Episcopal bishop in New Hampshire, has accepted an invitation issued by the Obama team prior to the announcement of the Rev. Rick Warren’s selection to deliver the invocation at the president-elect’s swearing-in, Politico reported Monday.

Robinson had been a critic of Warren’s role, calling his inclusion in the event “really, really unfortunate” because of the California minister's support for California's Prop. 8, which barred same-sex marriage.

“It's about this particular venue and the role that he has in praying for all of America, and I'm just not sure he'd pray to God the same way I would,” Robinson told Beliefnet last month.

“…This particular choice [of Warren] is not about having everyone at the table for a discussion or some sort of general forum. Every choice related to who does what at the inauguration is highly symbolic, and I think the transition team failed to ask the question of what, symbolically, this might say to some of our citizens.”

Robinson said at the time his disappointment would not affect his plans to attend President-elect Obama’s inauguration.

What do these vastly contrasting viewpoints tell us?

"God" is an idea.

"God" is not proven.


We cannot speak for an unproven "god."

Yet... some people feel that they can speak for god and condemn others as horrible people.

1 comment:

Acebookoo said...

I was saddened to learn of this. I voted for Mr. Obama but I certainly didn't or don't aprrove of this appeasement