
Letter & Petition to Barack Obama

The following is an e-mail I received. If you care about LGBT rights, read it. If you don't care, then feel free to read something else on this site...or just X-out.


A little under 1 year ago when Barack Obama was running for president he wrote an Open Letter to our community. A community where many members do not have equal protections under the law. A minority community that has felt the sting of discrimination, and held on to love to build bridges in the hope of overcoming.

The opening to this letter still chokes me up today: "I'm running for President to build an America that lives up to our founding promise of equality for all ‐ a promise that extends to our gay brothers and sisters. It's wrong to have millions of Americans living as second‐class citizens in this nation. And I ask for your support in this election so that together we can bring about real change for all LGBT Americans."

In this letter, Barack Obama promised to repeal laws that discriminate against the LGBT community. He vowed to

* Repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and ensure that states treat same-sex couples with full equality in their family and adoption laws
* Enact a fully inclusive Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) to outlaw discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity
* Repeal 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'
* Enact the Matthew Shepard Act to outlaw hate crimes against our community
* Confront the HIV/AIDS epidemic and the stigma surrounding it
* Amend the Uniting American Families Act to afford same-sex couples the same rights and obligations as married couples in our immigration system

A letter was crafted in response to Obama to remind him of his promises that we expect him to keep. This is not an online petition. Studies have shown that they are far less effective than the obvious blood sweat and tears that went in to physical signatures. Imagine Barack Obama sitting in the Oval Office with One Million of our voices in his hands. We need Real People, Real Signatures, Real Change.

Signature gathering has already begun. Here's 10 ways you can help get signatures:

1. Gather signatures at your place of work (make sure it doesn't hinder your HR policy)
2. Go out to the bars on Friday and Saturday nights and get signatures
3. Go to your local screening of MILK and get signatures from individuals in line or as they are leaving
4. Go to local stores and ask that they put the signature pages at the counter
5. Grab a friend and canvas your neighborhood asking for signatures
6. Go to a local event to gain signatures (Art Walks, Concerts, etc)
7. Take a copy to class and ask your teacher if you can announce that you're gathering signatures.
8. Attend one of the National Rallies on January 10th to gain signatures (find your rally here)
9. Go to church on Sunday and ask for signatures
10. Use the power of the internet: Email this letter, Blog about it, ping all your friends on Facebook/MySpace, send this message to EVERYONE

As always, when on private property be sure to ask for permission.

To learn more about Federal DOMA and the rallies this weekend please follow this link: http://jointheimpact.wetpaint.com/page/Nationwide+DOMA+Protest

Print the Open Letter
Print Signature pages

Mail all signature pages by January 12th to:

Join The Impact
PO Box 141491
Columbus, OH 43214

Amy & Willow

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