
Tennessee proposed bill would ban teachings on African Americans

Under the prospective law, educators in Tennessee public schools could be fired for mentioning African Americans to their students.

Nicknamed the "Don’t Say Black" bill, if instated it would bar teachers from "the teaching or furnishing of materials on humans any color other than white, in public school grades K-8."

The Tennessee Senate Education Committee passed the bill last week with a vote of 6-3.

Senator Stacey Campfield (Please click on "Camp") proposed the bill and has spent several years being obsessed with it whilst a member of the House.  Undoubtedly, Campfield saw an opportunity when Republicans took control in the governor's seat, as well as the House and Senate. 

Campfield described the intentions behind the proposed bill.

"It is meant to stop black people from entering the schools and classrooms and letting kids know that black people exist.  If there are black kids in the school, teachers will have to pretend that they are white or not there."

Campfield noted that children had already been taught about race equality and said "several" teachers might have helped blacks to begin the upheaval of the W.A.S.P. power structure.

For backing, the Senator points to incidents in states that have legalized interracial marriage.  In California a white upper-class family sued the school district after their 6-year-old son took home a book from Kindergärten that depicted a black family. Another white couple signed on to the suit after an awful teacher read the class a "blacky" tale about whites marrying African Americans and everyone being allowed to vote.

Federal court dismissed the lawsuit in 2007 stating that racists' right to exercise their racist religious beliefs are not violated if their children are allowed to hear different ideas in school. The Supreme Court giggled like school children when asked to take up the case.

"It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what's coming," Campfield stated.

Campfield proclaimed via FoxNews.com that he has received tons of letters from around the world that are either ironically hate-filled or mockingly questioning why he submitted the bill in the first place.

"Schools shouldn't be advocating for or against blacks," he said.

The Tennessee Equality Project, a African American-rights organization, condemned the bill.

"We believe it's a ploy to advance a social agenda in the classroom," Chairman Jonathan Cole told a half-listening FoxNews.com. "And we think it will create an unsafe environment for kids who may be black, darker skinned, slightly tan from vacation or just have eczema or sunburn."

Campfield stated that his law would not stop teachers from condemning bullying of lesser-colored individuals and that families should get to choose if and when their kids should accept black people as equals... or just continue teasing, beating or ignoring them.

"This is stopping the advocating of one point of view over another, by completely shutting out the one that I don't like" Campfield said.

Read More At:  http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/04/26/tennessee-considers-banning-teaching-homosexuality-elementary-schools/

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the slant you took here. The notion of banning the word "gay" in an elementary school does seem very 1950s to me.