
The God Virus: Worth a Read

I recently stumbled upon a book called The God Virus: How Religion Infects Our Lives and Culture. The synopsis intrigued me and I ordered the book online.

As it turns out I was the 3rd person to ever order and receive the book.

As a result, the author and PR persons have asked me to spread word about the book.

Here's what the cover looks like:

The book is a new perspective on religion, that is for certain. An interesting read no matter your faith (or lack-there-of).

This isn't a call to religion and this isn't a book that will read like Richard Dawkins' previous novels (although he is a good read).

The author's insight and new perspective on religion is startling, intriguing, unique, and worth reading.

And, apparently it keeps selling out on Amazon.com now!
Here's the Press Release:

From: Jeffrey Sussman, Inc.

Marketing Public Relations


New York, NY 10017

For: The God Virus

Contact: Jeffrey Sussman





New York, NY --- Is religion a virus that infects otherwise healthy individuals? That is a question raised by a provocative new book entitled, The God Virus. It is by noted psychologist and student of religion, Dr. Darrel Ray.

In a cogent and highly readable analysis, Dr. Ray traces the contagion course of religion as it enters the lives of countless individuals, beginning in childhood and infecting their behavior, professions, sex lives, and virtually every aspect of living. And Dr. Ray knows whereof he speaks, for he is the child of fundamentalist, evangelical parents, who frequently took their young son to Bible thumping religious revival meetings.

“At the time that my parents began taking me to hear ministers, I was just old enough to understand the words that they preached at us,” said Dr. Ray. “From those experiences, I learned who was good and who was bad: people of other religions or of no religions were sinners who would wind up in Hell. Such teachings infected my young mind and had a profound effect on my life, at least until I outgrew my impressionable teenage years and was sufficiently determined to think for myself. The degrees that I earned in religion and psychology immeasurably helped me to see through prejudice, myth, and superstition. My situation is not uncommon, but my book is. And I believe that people who want to think intelligently and rationally about religion, whether they are believers or non-believers, will find my book a useful resource.”

The God Virus carefully details the practical consequences of fundamentalist religious beliefs, infecting personalities, families, and cultures. It deals with the superstitions of religion propagated by clerics who, for example, told congregants that cancer and other diseases were the results of sinful living. As science became more sophisticated and was able to explain the causes of past diseases, such as the Black Plague, religious figures had to back off their initial pronouncements. Such a paradigm continued as researchers discovered the non-divine causes of yellow fever, polio, small pox, pneumonia, tuberculosis, syphilis, gonorrhea, influenza, etc. Such discoveries, unfortunately, did not prevent religious leaders from condemning evolution, homosexuality, aspects of astronomy, anthropology, psychology, and even economics. Blind belief in the righteousness of one’s beliefs have caused fundamentalist Christian leaders to claim that that the attacks of 9/11 were caused by the sinful behavior of Americans. Such a pronouncement was not different in intent or origin from fundamentalist Muslim clerics who declared that Hurricane Katrina was sent by God as a punishment to America.

Dr. Ray, as a resident of Kansas, has seen first hand how fundamentalist religious beliefs have a negative effect on education, for it was in his state that members of the board of education wanted to ban the teaching of evolution and substitute the teaching of creationism, which propounded that the Earth is only a few thousand years old.

As Dr. Ray has written, “Religion seems to inject itself into schools, courts, legislatures, presidential politics, and local school boards, detracting from rational conversation about real-world problems, such as science, education, economics, economic development, disaster relief, and war.”

Dr. Frank Schaeffer, the celebrated author of Crazy for God, wrote: “I am a religious person, a churchgoer. Nevertheless, this one-of-a-kind book [The God Virus] is a vital reminder of the fact that we think objectively at what religion does to us.”

And Earl Doherty, author of the best-selling book, The Jesus Puzzle, wrote: “Dr. Ray’s approach is non-confrontational. He advocates understanding and tolerance. He gets inside the American fundamentalist movement in ways which show that such entities have a collective life of their own, functioning as large-scale organisms which their individual members may not themselves understand or be aware of.”

Whether you are a believer, an atheist, or an agnostic, you will find The God Virus an exciting and challenging experience, especially if you are not frightened or timid about being a being a rational, thoughtful, and compassionate human being. One has nothing to lose but the mental chains of superstition and intolerance that can keep one in a perpetual state of fear.

“By writing The God Virus,” stated Dr. Ray, “I have attempted to inoculate my readers against a viral infection that results in terminal ignorance and fear.” Many grateful readers agree.

For further information, please visit www.thegodvirus.net


Obama's Civil Rights Agenda

It is interesting to see the changes as one President leaves and another one comes into power.

A notable difference would be how President Obama views Civil Rights.

The following is all from the White House's Official Website:


Support for the LGBT Community

"While we have come a long way since the Stonewall riots in 1969, we still have a lot of work to do. Too often, the issue of LGBT rights is exploited by those seeking to divide us. But at its core, this issue is about who we are as Americans. It's about whether this nation is going to live up to its founding promise of equality by treating all its citizens with dignity and respect."

-- Barack Obama, June 1, 2007

* Expand Hate Crimes Statutes: In 2004, crimes against LGBT Americans constituted the third-highest category of hate crime reported and made up more than 15 percent of such crimes. President Obama cosponsored legislation that would expand federal jurisdiction to include violent hate crimes perpetrated because of race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, or physical disability. As a state senator, President Obama passed tough legislation that made hate crimes and conspiracy to commit them against the law.

* Fight Workplace Discrimination: President Obama supports the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, and believes that our anti-discrimination employment laws should be expanded to include sexual orientation and gender identity. While an increasing number of employers have extended benefits to their employees' domestic partners, discrimination based on sexual orientation in the workplace occurs with no federal legal remedy. The President also sponsored legislation in the Illinois State Senate that would ban employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.

* Support Full Civil Unions and Federal Rights for LGBT Couples: President Obama supports full civil unions that give same-sex couples legal rights and privileges equal to those of married couples. Obama also believes we need to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act and enact legislation that would ensure that the 1,100+ federal legal rights and benefits currently provided on the basis of marital status are extended to same-sex couples in civil unions and other legally-recognized unions. These rights and benefits include the right to assist a loved one in times of emergency, the right to equal health insurance and other employment benefits, and property rights.

* Oppose a Constitutional Ban on Same-Sex Marriage: President Obama voted against the Federal Marriage Amendment in 2006 which would have defined marriage as between a man and a woman and prevented judicial extension of marriage-like rights to same-sex or other unmarried couples.

* Repeal Don't Ask-Don't Tell: President Obama agrees with former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff John Shalikashvili and other military experts that we need to repeal the "don't ask, don't tell" policy. The key test for military service should be patriotism, a sense of duty, and a willingness to serve. Discrimination should be prohibited. The U.S. government has spent millions of dollars replacing troops kicked out of the military because of their sexual orientation. Additionally, more than 300 language experts have been fired under this policy, including more than 50 who are fluent in Arabic. The President will work with military leaders to repeal the current policy and ensure it helps accomplish our national defense goals.

* Expand Adoption Rights: President Obama believes that we must ensure adoption rights for all couples and individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation. He thinks that a child will benefit from a healthy and loving home, whether the parents are gay or not.

* Promote AIDS Prevention: In the first year of his presidency, President Obama will develop and begin to implement a comprehensive national HIV/AIDS strategy that includes all federal agencies. The strategy will be designed to reduce HIV infections, increase access to care and reduce HIV-related health disparities. The President will support common sense approaches including age-appropriate sex education that includes information about contraception, combating infection within our prison population through education and contraception, and distributing contraceptives through our public health system. The President also supports lifting the federal ban on needle exchange, which could dramatically reduce rates of infection among drug users. President Obama has also been willing to confront the stigma -- too often tied to homophobia -- that continues to surround HIV/AIDS.

* Empower Women to Prevent HIV/AIDS: In the United States, the percentage of women diagnosed with AIDS has quadrupled over the last 20 years. Today, women account for more than one quarter of all new HIV/AIDS diagnoses. President Obama introduced the Microbicide Development Act, which will accelerate the development of products that empower women in the battle against AIDS. Microbicides are a class of products currently under development that women apply topically to prevent transmission of HIV and other infections.

That's quite a change from the religion-based irrationality of the previous administration to a science-based, more logical approach to civil rights for LGBT persons.

If you want to debate any of these things, leave a comment.


New president...

Hi readers,

I'm sure you've watched the Immaculation today, I mean Inauguration.

Anyway there will be some reactions/feedback soon from both of us soon.

Very historic, agreed.

Back soon!



Openly Gay Priest Speaks at Inauguration

If you don't know this... you haven't been paying attention...

The outcry against Rick Warren's presence, invitation, and speech at the upcoming inauguration MAY have sparked this decision by the President Elect, or someone who knows how to appease people...


Rick Warren has compared consenting adult homosexual relationships to that of pedophiles and incest.

Brief, interesting, and informative interview FROM CNN.COM:

(CNN) — The first openly gay priest ordained by a major Christian denomination will deliver the invocation at the kickoff inauguration event Sunday at the Lincoln Memorial.

The Rev. Gene Robinson, Episcopal bishop in New Hampshire, has accepted an invitation issued by the Obama team prior to the announcement of the Rev. Rick Warren’s selection to deliver the invocation at the president-elect’s swearing-in, Politico reported Monday.

Robinson had been a critic of Warren’s role, calling his inclusion in the event “really, really unfortunate” because of the California minister's support for California's Prop. 8, which barred same-sex marriage.

“It's about this particular venue and the role that he has in praying for all of America, and I'm just not sure he'd pray to God the same way I would,” Robinson told Beliefnet last month.

“…This particular choice [of Warren] is not about having everyone at the table for a discussion or some sort of general forum. Every choice related to who does what at the inauguration is highly symbolic, and I think the transition team failed to ask the question of what, symbolically, this might say to some of our citizens.”

Robinson said at the time his disappointment would not affect his plans to attend President-elect Obama’s inauguration.

What do these vastly contrasting viewpoints tell us?

"God" is an idea.

"God" is not proven.


We cannot speak for an unproven "god."

Yet... some people feel that they can speak for god and condemn others as horrible people.


Rick Warren Raises Thousands of Dollars for LGBT Equality at Obama’s Inauguration

This is all from a website which can be found at: http://www.rick-a-thon.com/Rick-A-Thon/Home.html

Here it is...

'Rick Warren Raises Thousands of Dollars for LGBT Equality at Obama’s Inauguration'

That could be the headline on newspapers across the country the day after President-elect Obama’s inauguration.

Rick Warren, a staunch opponent of equal rights for LGBT people, has used his pulpit to spread lies about LGBT families and to raise money for anti-gay legislation, such as proposition 8, which stripped equal marriage rights away from same-sex couples.

When Warren takes the stage on Inauguration Day, however, he will be raising thousands of dollars to advance LGBT equality across the country.

Driving Equality is hosting a Rick-A-Thon to turn Rick Warren’s anti-equality stance into positive change for LGBT people. Every second that Warren stands at the podium, he will be raising money to advance LGBT civil rights. (Pledge Online)

Rick Warren’s invocation will not last longer than a couple minutes.

You can pledge any amount you chose, whether it be $0.05, $0.10, $0.25, or even $1 for every second he speaks.

You can even pledge a flat rate for the entire time he is at the podium. We will be displaying signs around Washington D.C. on Inauguration Day, tallying how much money Warren has raised for LGBT equality.

We will make sure that everyone knows exactly how much money Rick Warren is raising for LGBT civil rights.

Rick Warren compare same-sex marriage to incest and pedophilia.


Letter & Petition to Barack Obama

The following is an e-mail I received. If you care about LGBT rights, read it. If you don't care, then feel free to read something else on this site...or just X-out.


A little under 1 year ago when Barack Obama was running for president he wrote an Open Letter to our community. A community where many members do not have equal protections under the law. A minority community that has felt the sting of discrimination, and held on to love to build bridges in the hope of overcoming.

The opening to this letter still chokes me up today: "I'm running for President to build an America that lives up to our founding promise of equality for all ‐ a promise that extends to our gay brothers and sisters. It's wrong to have millions of Americans living as second‐class citizens in this nation. And I ask for your support in this election so that together we can bring about real change for all LGBT Americans."

In this letter, Barack Obama promised to repeal laws that discriminate against the LGBT community. He vowed to

* Repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and ensure that states treat same-sex couples with full equality in their family and adoption laws
* Enact a fully inclusive Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) to outlaw discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity
* Repeal 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'
* Enact the Matthew Shepard Act to outlaw hate crimes against our community
* Confront the HIV/AIDS epidemic and the stigma surrounding it
* Amend the Uniting American Families Act to afford same-sex couples the same rights and obligations as married couples in our immigration system

A letter was crafted in response to Obama to remind him of his promises that we expect him to keep. This is not an online petition. Studies have shown that they are far less effective than the obvious blood sweat and tears that went in to physical signatures. Imagine Barack Obama sitting in the Oval Office with One Million of our voices in his hands. We need Real People, Real Signatures, Real Change.

Signature gathering has already begun. Here's 10 ways you can help get signatures:

1. Gather signatures at your place of work (make sure it doesn't hinder your HR policy)
2. Go out to the bars on Friday and Saturday nights and get signatures
3. Go to your local screening of MILK and get signatures from individuals in line or as they are leaving
4. Go to local stores and ask that they put the signature pages at the counter
5. Grab a friend and canvas your neighborhood asking for signatures
6. Go to a local event to gain signatures (Art Walks, Concerts, etc)
7. Take a copy to class and ask your teacher if you can announce that you're gathering signatures.
8. Attend one of the National Rallies on January 10th to gain signatures (find your rally here)
9. Go to church on Sunday and ask for signatures
10. Use the power of the internet: Email this letter, Blog about it, ping all your friends on Facebook/MySpace, send this message to EVERYONE

As always, when on private property be sure to ask for permission.

To learn more about Federal DOMA and the rallies this weekend please follow this link: http://jointheimpact.wetpaint.com/page/Nationwide+DOMA+Protest

Print the Open Letter
Print Signature pages

Mail all signature pages by January 12th to:

Join The Impact
PO Box 141491
Columbus, OH 43214

Amy & Willow


Huckabee is Goofy