
It's Getting Interesting... Too Interesting.

Obama not a natural citizen?

Well if that is case, then I would have to say that a "congratulations!" is in order for John McCain
and his victory. He can stop campaigning because this means that he's the only viable contender left: He's won!

- If this is legitimate and it actually goes to the Supreme Court: McCain wins. 7 of the 9 Justices were appointed by Republican Presidents, 5 of them almost always vote conservative. Well, 4 of them always do, 1 of them almost always does. So I would say it's in the bag for McCain.

- The McCain Campaign must truly be missing out on a gem here. The McCain campaign Along with the RNC must be a little slow in order to not make this an issue... OR perhaps they have looked into it and it is a conspiracy theory rather than anything true.

Bottom line, if this were true, McCain would be an idiot to not pursue this NOW. Start running major t.v. ads, start a probe, start DOING SOMETHING.

- From what I know about court cases, you actually have to break a law before you can be sued. This is called "having standing": A.K.A. Obama would have to win the election, as you cannot be found guilty of something if you haven't yet violated a law. There could be an unprecedented exception here considering the magnitude of the issue at hand

Obama & Socialism

Socialism Test -1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods.

Collective or governmental ownership under Obama - NOPE.
Administration of the means of production and distribution of goods - NOPE.

Socialism Test -2 a
: a system of society or group living in which there is no private property b: a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state

No Private Property under Obama -
Means of production are owned and controlled by the state - NOPE.

- Although I've already blogged on this issue:

What we have already in this nation is a tax system that takes money from people and redistributes it to programs that are made to (or at least supposed to) help the country and it's citizenry. There are pluses and minuses to our system (read that blog post linked above).

Economic Crisis

As I've said before: I firmly believe that the problem was Democrats pushing for loans to be given out to people who could not pay them back AND AND AND vast deregulation pushed by Republicans, allowing these big companies to run wild and unchecked.

Both sides are to blame.

I'm examining every eyebrow-raising claim that I'm hearing about each side. So far not much of it sticks.


Democrat sues Obama because he is not a legit candidate....

Dear Mr. Obama,

This video was independently made and posted on YouTube.
No money from the McCain campaign was used to make it.
McCain would never use the soldiers for political gain, unlike Obama (Tammy Duckworth) and the Democrats (Cindy Sheehan, anyone?)....

More like Freedom vs Obama

Here is a brilliant and very well fact-checked blog from Earthfrisk.com.

They are obviously against Obama, and seems like supporting McCain by default.

Read why they are against Obama....very interesting.

Also Google "The New Party and Barack Obama"....you might rethink your vote....

Now there is no denying Obama is a Socialist


Here is a video put together from their author about the recent credit crisis and how the Democrats, Obama and the media have been severely dishonest and straight up lying to us.

Comes from an article cleverly titled "Election 2008: The Titanic is Sinking - We're Voting for the Iceberg???"

Read it and think..... http://www.earthfrisk.com/blog/?p=112


US versus THEM

Bush, McCain, and Palin couldn't make a speech like this to save their lives. One reason: because they simply do not have the skills.

But it goes much deeper than that!

Some people like to say that Obama is a smooth talker and nothing more, but it doesn't take much to realize the other reasons as to why Bush or McCain or Palin would never say these words. They aren't "unificators," as Bush might say. They are dividers.

They approach life with an "US versus THEM" attitude.

McCain and Palin said that there were parts of the country that were pro-American and parts that were anti-American. That some parts of the country contained real Americans and some did not.

"US versus THEM"

So many have tried to call Obama a communist because he wants to tax the rich more and give more assistance to the poor. Bush, McCain, and Palin believe that rich people should keep every penny they make. As if all poor people are lazy or undeserving of help. As if someone making $15 million a year instead of $18 million a year is being treated unfairly as other families struggle to put food on the table, to educate their children, or to make rent payments...

"US versus THEM"

McCain and Palin see homosexual marriage as a threat to straight religious people's views on how things should be. They think that LGBT people shouldn't be treated equally. They want to make an amendment to the constitution to ban same-sex marriages as if gay people are not real people. As if I am not someone's son. As if I am not someone's grandson. As if I am not someone's brother. As if my love for another person is somehow inferior...

"US versus THEM"

Taking a stance other than being in favor of the Iraq war somehow meant that you were against the troops. They said it was "unpatriotic." For some reason, it's un-American and un-patriotic to disagree on an issue as big as WAR. For some reason you are either pro-Iraq war or you are against our soldiers and against America...

"US versus THEM"

Let's face it: life is not that black and white, things aren't that simple, and this mentality and these words do nothing good for this country or the world. They spread lies, they unfairly categorize people. These are ignorant words spread by narrow-minded people. Words like these can only cause further division.

You will never hear the words like you heard here in this video coming from John McCain or Sarah Palin, because they don't understand this country or care about people who aren't just like them. They don't care about you and they don't care about me.

McCain pointed at Obama during the second debate and called him "That one." Well I really hope that "that one" wins. Because I've had enough division these past 8 years.

Religion Politics & Humour

Found this online...

Priest: Jesus Wasn't God, Mary Not a Virgin

An Australian priest has written a book saying that the Bible is faulty and that Jesus was just a man.

Furthermore, he states that Mary was not a virgin. He also says that Mary had several other kids.

One priest, in response, said that:

“The Council of Nicaea settled the question that Christ was God in 325, so he is 1700 years out of date...The rest is a regurgitation of every discredited 19th-century liberal Protestant German cliche in the book.”

It's interesting how a group of men who all want to believe in one thing can get together and agree upon it. Apparently that equates to absolute undeniable truth.

Wait no, it's not interesting. It's illogical, irrational, not valid, so on and so forth.

I can get together with a bunch of people who believe in The Flying Spaghetti Monster and we call all agree that he is "God."

Does that make it true? No.

The Council of Nicaea is a cool old-time sounding name, but other than that, they haven't proven a single thing.


simplified version of one presidential option....

California is voting soon...

So I know that there probably isn't more than a handful of persons voting on same-sex marriage bans on November 4th that will visit this blog.

But for those of you who think that Same-sex marriages are wrong for religious reasons, I ask you to read my research (CLICK).

If you think that Same-sex marriages can be legally banned, I urge you to read my research on the constitutionality of same-sex marriage bans (CLICK).



Funny little anecdote....

While walking down the street one day a US senator is tragically hit by a truck and dies.

His soul arrives in heaven and is met by St. Peter at the entrance.

'Welcome to heaven,' says St. Peter. 'Before you settle in, it seems there is a problem. We seldom see a high official around these parts, you see, so we're not sure what to do with you.'

'No problem, just let me in,' says the man.

'Well, I'd like to, but I have orders from higher up. What we'll do is have you spend one day in hell and one in heaven. Then you c an choose where to spend eternity.'

'Really, I've made up my mind. I want to be in heaven,' says the senator.

'I'm sorry, but we have our rules.'

And with that, St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down, down, down to hell. The doors open and he finds himself in the middle of a green golf course. In the distance is a clubhouse and standing in front of it are all his friends and other politicians who had worked with him.

Everyone is very happy and in evening dress. They run to greet him, shake his hand, and reminisce about the good times they had while getting rich at the expense of the people.

They play a friendly game of golf and then dine on lobster, caviar and champagne.

Also present is the devil, who really is a very friendly & nice guy who has a good time dancing and telling jokes. They are having such a good time that before he realizes it, it is time to go.

Everyone gives him a hearty farewell and waves while the elevator rises...

The elevator goes up, up, up and the door reopens on heaven where St. Peter is waiting for him.

'Now it's time to visit heaven.'

So, 24 hours pass with the senator joining a group of contented souls moving from cloud to cloud, playing the harp and singing. They have a good time and, before he realizes it, the 24 hours have gone by and St. Peter returns.

'Well, then, you've spent a day in hell and another in heaven. Now choose your eternity.'

The senator reflects for a minute, then he answers: 'Well, I would never have said it before, I mean heaven has been delightful, but I think I would be better off in hell.'

So St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down, down, down to hell.

Now the doors of the elevator open and he's in the middle of a barren land covered with waste and garbage.

He sees all his friends, dressed in rags, picking up the trash and putting it in black bags as more trash falls from above.

The devil comes over to him and puts his arm around his shoulder. 'I don't understand,' stammers the senator. 'Yesterday I was here and there was a golf course and clubhouse, and we ate lobster and caviar, drank champagne, and danced and had a great time. Now there's just a wasteland full of garbage and my friends look miserable. What happened?'

The devil looks at him, smiles and says, 'Yesterday we were campaigning.. .

Today you voted.'


Cell Phone Post: The bank

Cell Phone Post: The bank right next to where i work just got robbed at gun point.


HOPE: Someday I Will be Treated as a Full Person

A friend of mine shared this link with me.

I watched it this morning and it made me happy and sad at the same time.

Hopefully some of you can relate to this.

Gay rights is one of the main, and possibley the biggest Civil Rights issue of our time.


Prime Example: MSNBC Left, FOX Right

If you wanted more proof to add to my opinion that no news source is unbiased, look at these two electoral college maps for McCain and Obama:

MSNBC's (click on "Maps & Info" at the top)
(Obama 264, to McCain 163)

FOX's (should open right away)
(McCain 189 to Obama 183)

MSNBC's gives Obama the benefit of the doubt on several states, but none to McCain what-so-ever.

FOX shows McCain currently ahead by 6 electoral votes right now and doesn't account for any polling that shows Obama clearly ahead in several states.

My Guess as to what it really will be after November 4th: 277-254 Barack Obama


Troops 4 McCain, Maybe?

I’d like to preface this opinion piece with two things:

1) In regard to Saddam, I am ecstatic that he is gone because I am more than aware of the horrible things that he did to his people, specifically the Kurds.

2) There is a distinct difference between a failure and an improvement, unfortunately, the only way to tell the difference is by waiting for the present and the future to become a part of history.


Corey posted an article that claimed that U.S. troops prefer McCain over Obama when it comes to handling the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. I read it and now I'm going to tell you why that article is flawed.

Read on…

I suppose I should also start this off with a foreword worth keeping in mind: The poll was not scientific by any means what-so-ever.

A.K.A. it was not a random sampling.

It neither had reliable standards, nor was it conducted in a professional manner, but rather, it was a poll that was only open to the 80,000 subscribers of The Military Times.

Of the subscribers of that particular magazine, those who participated did so voluntarily.

It is fair, I would argue, to assume that those who responded had a political motivation to do so: Being that it was a political poll requiring personal effort in order to reply.

I am curious as to what demographic subscribes to The Military Times. This would help us to put the poll into context. However, since we do not have readability accessible information as to what political demographics comprise The Military Times readership, one can only make assumptions.

Basically: this wasn’t a scientific poll. We would have to know what the political affiliation of those who took the unscientific poll was in order to even begin to evaluate this information appropriately.

A.K.A. this information is incoherent and unreliable.

(DISCLAIMER: I no longer believe that ANY news organization reports without a bias. To hold such an opinion (I feel) would be incredibly naïve. This poll was reported on by FOXnews.com, which I believe to be right-leaning (McCain favoring). Interestingly, the vast majority of news sources in this country started out with clear biases, maybe we are just returning to our roots?)

The Fox news organization did admit in the article that “The Military Times offered certain caveat for its poll, which was open only to its 80,000 subscribers.”

1- They made that statement at the very end of the piece.
2- How many people in the general public even know what the word “caveat” means?

(From Webster.com) CA-VE-AT: 1 a: a warning enjoining one from certain acts or practices b: an explanation to prevent misinterpretation c: a modifying or cautionary detail to be considered when evaluating, interpreting, or doing something 2: a legal warning to a judicial officer to suspend a proceeding until the opposition has a hearing

As a political scientist (degree already attained) and a journalist (I have written for 2 school papers which require journalistic ethics to be applied, my journalism degree will be attained in 7 months), ethics would require me to throw this poll aside, since it is not scientific and since it is unclear as to what the poll is actually telling us.

Troops 3-1 for McCain

If I only needed one reason to justify my vote for McCain...


Possibly more to come from me, if work allows.....regarding Biden's gaffe(s) and Obama's reluctance/inability to provide a valid birth certificate, still....


Dave's Tattoooooo

There's an inverted color view of my tattoo for those of you who were asking to see it.

sexy... I know... ;)


Very interesting lawsuit....

Don't have time right now to comment on this but I figure I would share it and you can comment in it yourself....



McCain & Obama: He called me names!, He pulled my hair!

If you are watching the 3rd presidential debate right now you know exactly what this title is about.  The first half of the debate was spent with each candidate complaining about the attack ads from each side. 

Honestly, I think this might have been McCain's strongest debate so far.  Yet, I still wouldn't call it any better for him than a tie.

At first I was upset that so much time was spent on the ads and attacks, but I'm glad that Obama got a national chance to dispel the false attacks from McCain about William Ayers and A.C.O.R.N.

As an Obama supporter, and as my first time ever supporting a Democrat, I know Corey and I may have seen this debate differently.  However, I do think that America is ready for a change.  And if the polls hold steady, it looks like Obama will get that chance to change America for the better.


Holy shit, He does exist

That's right kids, after two years of waiting I'm finally posting a blog, making this officially the RPMS. What's that, how is this different? I bring the music, the noise, and the funk. With time I'll dig in and give you guys some reviews of albums that are coming out, but for now I just want to get your ears tuned into the music you should be listening to. Here's a list of songs and artists to check out, you can thank me later.

The Ting Tings-Shut up and let me go.
   -That's not my name.

Wild Sweet Orange-Tilt
   -Sour Milk

Black Kids- I'm not going to teach your boyfriend how to dance with you.

The Editors-Smokers outside the hospital doors

Margot and the Nuclear So and Sos- Skeleton Key

Chiodos- Intensity in ten cities

Immortal Technique- Point of no return.

Misery Signals- A certain death.

Manchester Orchestra-Where have you been?

People In Planes- Pretty Buildings

Protest the Hero-Bloodmeat

Legion of Doom- The Quiet Screaming

Nicole Atkins- The Way it is.

Adele- Chasing Pavements.

This should keep you busy for a little bit. Let me know what you think. Clearly they are all amazing since I like them. No go out and spread the word of these amazing bands, THE WORLD MUST KNOW!

Alaska Radical Group & Todd Palin: What's The Deal?

So there are about 5 sides to this story, but here are some facts that all sources have agreed upon.

Todd Palin (Sarah Palin's husband), was a member of the Alaska Independence Party (AIP).

He was a member from 1995 to 2002, with a couple month hiatus in 2000 when he was registered as "undeclared."

A focal goal of the A.I.P. is the secession of Alaska from the union. A.K.A. they want Alaska to become its own country.

The founder of A.I.P. was Joe Vogler, who is quoted as saying:

"I'm an Alaskan, not an American. I've got no use for America or her damned institutions."


"The fires of hell are frozen glaciers compared to my hatred for the American government and I won't be buried under their damn flag."

Vogler died in "a plastic explosives sale gone bad."

Is this worth knowing? Perhaps.

And as long as the McCain-Palin ticket keeps suggesting that Barack Obama is a terrorist sympathizer, then I feel that this is more than relevant. AND it would be more than fair for this to become an advertisement against the Palin's.

If I were running the ad I would say that this is a dircet link to a radical group: VP Nominee Sarah Palin is married to ---> her husband Todd Palin who was a 7 year member ---> of A.I.P.

I've already posted information and my take on the Barack Obama/William Ayers "link."


As far as the current economic crisis goes, nobody is 100% to blame. From all that I have read and heard, two major problems were:

-Deregulation by Republicans
- Democrats pushing for loans and mortgage deals for poor people who were not qualified to receive them.

It gets more complicated than that, but the bottom line is that nobody is 100% at fault, and nobody from either party has clean hands.

10 min video could change your vote....

Since the economy is the hot-button issue right now, Obama supporters might want to watch this video....and realize how much Obama is twisting his words during his speeches. Remember when he said this is the Republicans' fault for loving and promoting massive deregulation? He's right about that being a classic right-wing ideal, but wrong about this issue. This was the one time the Republicans fought for more regulation and the Dems blocked it. Can you trust him with other issues?


This is just me kicking around some thoughts to Corey's last posting. Bear with me?

So there will be lower taxes for 90-95% of the people under Barack Obama.

The 5-10% who pay more will not be taxed into poverty by any means. More notably, they will not be taxed into equality of income by any stretch of the imagination (that would be communism that nobody wants).

Tax cuts will take place for those 90-95% of people. The money "redistribution" would come in the form of government programs to help people who cannot afford things like healthcare for kids. (Not to be confused with mandatory healthcare, as Obama only wants mandatory healthcare for kids.)

Essentially, aren't taxes always wealth "redistribution?"

Is everything done for poor people considered to be a "handout?"
OR, in other words, At what point do we decide that some people simply do not deserve help.

It can't be simple, its not black and white.

Perhaps we need to cut funding on some crappy government excess programs and research grants in order to create an oversight so that people who need help really get it, and the free loaders do not.

Let's face it, many people do need help. Many people do not.
We cannot leave the truly needy people high and dry (sorry for the cliche, but that's what it is).

Living and working in Milwaukee for a few years now, I have seen many poor people who ARE trying to make it, some of them will, some of them won't without help.

Realistically, and unfortunately, the notion that charities will help everyone is simply not true.

(By the way, why do people feel the need to buy $1,000 purses? Just wondering, they keep coming through the store I work at... what a waste of money that could be used for better things).

I have seen many poor people who are simply ignorant due to the horrible education system. It breeds a cycle where uneducated parents struggle to raise uneducated kids who are sent to a crappy educational system to learn... well not much.

"Well then they shouldn't have kids, DAVE!" Once again, this brings us to education. Specifically sex education, but it's all linked together. Crappily funded education systems breed crappy citizenry.

One charity that deserves a lot of blame in this area is The CHURCH which provides sex education with strings attached. Is it really helping people and being realistic to promote abstinence-only faith-based programs to people who have little to no education? umm...nope, but he Church refuses to teach safe-sex.

The church and AIDS... yikes don't get me started on that. Mother Theresa was quoted as saying that AIDS "is just a retribution for improper sexual misconduct."

Maybe try providing a full education where people, like those in Africa, who have never heard of condom use or safe sex, get a full picture and can choose safe-sex as an option, rather than forcing their views on the "virtue" of abstinence.

Crappy education, lack of education, underfunded education systems... Let's face it, if you lack what many would consider to be common sense, it's hard to function in the world.

You might say "ignorance is no excuse" for these "handouts" but, that doesn't solve the underfunded crappy education problem that is going on in this city and in many others.

The article has some wrong numbers, or at least descriptor words, for who would fall into what tax brackets.

From everything I have looked up that $40,000 number should actually be tied to this:

A single parent making $40,000 with 2 children would get a $2,100 tax cut.

The article seems to try to say that there is some sort of sliding tax glass ceiling for people as they make more money? I'm not sure where they got that idea.

Obama changes the meaning of "tax cut"

Interesting article from WSJ that breaks down Obama's claim that he is going to cut takes for 95% of working families.

Here's a few excerpts:

"It's a clever pitch, because it lets him pose as a middle-class tax cutter while disguising that he's also proposing one of the largest tax increases ever on the other 5% (Read last post as to why this is bad, too). But how does he conjure this miracle, especially since more than a third of all Americans already pay no income taxes at all? There are several sleights of hand, but the most creative is to redefine the meaning of "tax cut."

"For the Obama Democrats, a tax cut is no longer letting you keep more of what you earn. In their lexicon, a tax cut includes tens of billions of dollars in government handouts that are disguised by the phr
ase "tax credit.""

"...they are an income transfer -- a federal check -- from taxpayers to nontaxpayers. Once upon a time we called this "welfare," or in George McGovern's 1972 campaign a "Demogrant." Mr. Obama's genius is to call it a tax cut." This should throw a couple penalty flags on the field for anyone reading this....

"There's another catch: Because Mr. Obama's tax credits are phased out as incomes rise, they impose a huge "marginal" tax rate increase on low-income workers. The marginal tax rate refers to the rate on the next dollar of income earned. As the nearby chart illustrates, the marginal rate for millions of low- and middle-income workers would spike as they earn more income."

"Some families with an income of $40,000 could lose up to 40 cents in vanishing credits for every additional dollar earned from working overtime or taking a new job. As public policy, this is contradictory. The tax credits are sold in the name of "making work pay," but in practice they can be a disincentive to working harder, especially if you're a lower-income couple getting raises of $1,000 or $2,000 a year. One mystery -- among many -- of the McCain campaign is why it has allowed Mr. Obama's 95% illusion to go unanswered."

No wonder I rolled my eyes every time Obama made this claim during the debates....McCain needs to get on his ass about this....Click here to read the full article where it details all the handouts Obama wants to give to those who don't earn it....

More to come. Sorry I'm not as journalistically inclined as my friend David, so my posts usually aren't as nicely laid out and gripping (hell I wont lie, I just copy and past shit I find other places onto here). If you ever need to balance a chemical equation, I'm your man. I try my best to inform the uninformed....


Higher taxes on the rich should be strongly reconsidered

Suppose that every day, ten men go out for beer and the bill for all ten comes to $100. If they paid their bill the way we pay our taxes, it would go something like this:

The first four men (the poorest) would pay nothing.
The fifth would pay $1.
The sixth would pay $3.
The seventh would pay $7.
The eighth would pay $12.
The ninth would pay $18.
The tenth man (the richest) would pay $59.

So, that's what they decided to do. The ten men drank in the bar every day and seemed quite happy with the arrangement, until one day, the owner threw them a curve. "Since you are all such good customers," he said, "I'm going to reduce the cost of your daily beer by $20. Drinks for the ten now cost just $80.

The group still wanted to pay their bill the way we pay our taxes so the first four men were unaffected. They would still drink for free. But what about the other six men - the paying customers? How could they divide the $20 windfall so that everyone would get his 'fair share?'? They realized that $20 divided by six is $3.33. But if they subtracted that from everybody's share, then the fifth man and the sixth man would each end up being paid to drink his beer. So, the bar owner suggested that it would be fair to reduce each man's bill by roughly the same amount, and he proceeded to work out the amounts each should pay.

And so:
The fifth man, like the first four, now paid nothing (100% savings).
The sixth now paid $2 instead of $3 (33% savings).
The seventh now pay $5 instead of $7 (28% savings).
The eighth now paid $9 instead of $12 (25% savings).
The ninth now paid $14 instead of $18 (22% savings).
The tenth now paid $49 instead of $59 (16% savings).
Each of the six was better off than before. And the first four continued to drink for free.

But once outside the restaurant, the men began to compare their savings. "I only got a dollar out of the $20,"declared the sixth man. He pointed the tenth man," but he got $10!" "Yeah, that's right," exclaimed the fifth man. I only saved a dollar, too. It's unfair that he got ten times more than I did!" "That's true!!" shouted the seventh man. "Why should he get $10 back when I got only two? The wealthy get all the breaks!" "Wait a minute," yelled the first four men in unison. "We didn't get anything at all. The system exploits the poor!"
The nine men surrounded the tenth and beat him up.

The next night the tenth man didn't show up for drinks, so the nine sat down and had beers without him. But when it came time to pay the bill, they discovered something important. They didn't have enough money between all of them for even half of the bill!

And that, boys and girls, journalists and college professors, is how our tax system works. The people who pay the highest taxes get the most benefit from a tax reduction. Tax them too much, attack them for being wealthy, and they just may not show up anymore. In fact, they might start drinking overseas where the atmosphere is somewhat friendlier.

David R. Kamerschen, Ph.D.
Professor of Economics
University of Georgia

For those who understand, no explanation is needed.
For those who do not understand, no explanation is possible.

Bands to Check Out

So I went to see Chiodos play this weekend and there was another tour on a different stage at the Rave... Even though we didn't have to pay for both concerts, it was easy to go back and forth between the two stages...

Check out:

The Urgency
A Rocket To the Moon

Gay-friendly High School in Chicago? Maybe.

So when I first read the headline saying that Chicago might open a "Gay-friendly" high school, I thought to myself:

"Great, now we are imposing separate-but-equal on ourselves."

BUT then I read the article.

An alarming amount of LGBT students were skipping classes, many of whom eventually dropped out, because they were being bullied (verbal and physical abuse) at school due to their sexual orientation.


Currently, most states do not offer civil rights protection against hate speech and hate crimes that are sexual orientation-based.

Until those protections are offered, I will not view this as separate but equal, but rather, protected and safe in order to get an education.

There is no "separate" to this hypothetical school, as anyone could attend.

What do you think? VOTE --->

My roommate Kevin shared this video with me: Like Michael Moore or not, this is worth a watch:



Connecticut Legalizes Same-Sex Marriages

It's true!!! LINK

McCain-Palin: Do As I Say, Not As I Do

So why are people at Palin and McCain speeches yelling out "Kill Him!" and "Terrorist!" at the mention of Barack Obama?

Read on to find out...

The following is a quote from Republican Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin. To put the quote into the proper context, Palin was attempting to tell voters why the McCain-Palin ticket should not be linked to, or compared to, the current Bush presidency because that issue is in the past and Obama's message is about future and change.

"For a campaign that says it's all about the future our opponents do talk a lot about the past. They point fingers to the past and they look to the past because that's where you find blame."

- Sarah Palin on the Obama-Biden ticket, October 11th, 2008.

The McCain-Palin ticket needs to make a decision as to what direction they want their campaign to go or else they risk having a message comprised of incoherent sound-bites and blatant double-speak, which ultimately equates to nonsense.


Right now John McCain has a 90 second campaign ad running in swing states that tries to say that Obama is a terrorist sympathizer. Essentially the "link" they are using is a man named William Ayers. A radical American terrorist who committed crimes 40 years ago (A.K.A.: THE PAST).

Barack Obama was 8 (E-I-G-H-T) years old when these activities were carried out

The "connection" between the terrorist Ayers and Obama is that they both happened to work for the same education reform group in Chicago called the Chicago Annenberg Challenge some 20 or 30 years after Ayers' terrorist actions

This educational group was started by a $49 million dollar grant from the Annenberg Foundation which was funded by Walter Annenberg, a Republican who's wife has contributed to the John McCain Campaign.

The board for the Chicago Annenberg Challenge also had on its board a former Richard Nixon (A Republican, incase you didn't know) administration member who has contributed $1,500 to the current McCain Campaign.

Right now your brain should be screaming: "DOUBLE STANDARD."

Wait, no... it's worse than a double standard because Bush still is the president and McCain really did vote with him 90% of the time. This includes the Congressional term that McCain was still in
when this campaign began.

The McCain-Palin ticket needs to take their own advice and leave pointless baseless allegations in the past.

Perhaps the worst part is that their false advertising and false rhetoric are riling up some of the less intelligent, uninformed, and emotional voters.

At a rally for McCain, one man stated that he was "scared of an Obama presidency." McCain responded by professing that the man should not be afraid of Barack Obama.

McCain was quoted as saying: "I want to be president of the United States, and I don't want Obama to be," he said. "But I have to tell you, I have to tell you, he is a decent person, and a person that you do not have to be scared of as President of the United States."


McCain's campaign manager Rick Davis stated that he simply did not know who the people making all of theses comments were or whether or not they were there as McCain supporters or disruptors.

- It's not that hard to figure out, look at your ad and then look at how people are responding. These are supporters who are buying the advertised lies hook, line, and sinker.

Another lady, holding the microphone, said to John McCain

"I don't trust Obama. I have read about him and he's an Arab."

McCain responded:
"No ma'am, no ma'am. He's a decent family man...[a] citizen that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues. That's what this campaign is all about."

-Once again, many many many people associate terrorism with Arab people. That is without question. So when you put ads out there calling Obama a terrorist sympathizer, this is the response you get from the uninformed malleable minds.

BOTTOM LINE: McCain KNOWS what he's doing with these ads and he's playing coy with the public once they react to these ridiculous advertisements.


Westboro Nutjobs Protest GSA

Hamilton High School, Milwaukee today (10-10-08)

Prefacing these photos:

This church group travels the country and protests soldiers funerals, Heath Ledgers death, Matthew Shepherd's death, and pretty much anything you can think of. They think that homosexuals are the cause to every bad thing.

"Thank God for dead soldiers"
"Thank God for IEDs"
"God Hates Fags"
Signs of Matthew Shepherd, (the boy who was beaten and left to die on a fence 10 years ago), that have his picture in flames and read: "Matt, 10 Years in HELL."

Need I say more?

And BELOW is the Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA)



California Civil Rights: $1,000 Offer

  • Changes the California Constitution to eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry in California.
  • Provides that only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.
If anyone can tell me a LEGAL reason as to why same-sex marriage can CONSTITUTIONALLY be banned I will give you $1,000.

$1,000 says that all you can come up with are religious reasons.

I have written 2 articles on homosexuality:


2- This one talks about The Bible not actually condmening Homosexuality
(for all you closeted religious folk)

If you have a strong stance against same-sex marriage read #1
If you have a strong religious stance against homosexuality read #2

Replies are welcome


Virgin Shark Birth Explains Jesus Mystery

Recent DNA tests have proven that a female blacktip shark has given birth to a shark pup that contains no genetic data from a father shark. Essentially it was a virgin birth. (Right Click to open article in new window)

No sex was involved.

I have personally taken the liberty of calling the mama shark "Mary Virgin of God and Divine Holy Savior."

It was reported that three older male sharks, that many regard to be very "wise," paid a visit to the baby Jesus shark pup bringing gold, frankincense, and myrrh from a nearby sunken ship. None of which will be useful to the baby shark or it's mother. Especially since gold has no value to sharks and its really hard to light incense underwater.

(Our best guess as to what Jesus looks like now)

The sharks apparently followed the sound of a U.S. Coast Guard boat that was in the East in order to find the sweet little baby Jesus shark who was sent to us from Heaven to grace us with his glory.

This can bring us to only one conclusion: Heaven is actually underwater (descended/ascended...very easy to confuse), Mary descended and turned into a shark, and Jesus has come again IN SHARK FORM!

Global warming will raise the water levels and we will be at the mercy of all the sharks from Heaven (a.k.a. Judgment Time).

Peter Benchley was a prophet and Jaw's was a warning. Plain and simple people.

Don't say I never warned you.



Palin: Seriously?

Why did McCain pick her? Honestly, I MORE THAN question his judgment in picking Sarah Palin.

Her problem: She literally IS "Joe Six-pack."

This video speaks for itself.

There are a bunch more videos
all over the internet...
If you are looking for some vids on McCain, just search "McCain, anger" and you will get plenty.


Glenn Beck: The only man keeping a level head during this election and economic mess

I've been listening to his talk radio and reading his columns and he seems to be one of the few normal people in the media these days....



Voter Fraud: ACORN Nuts

As some of you already know, a taxpayer funded "non-partisan" group called ACORN (click for background) has been involved in voter fraud ALREADY!

According to THIS ARTICLE the group is supposed to be non-partisan, but they have a history of promoting for Democratic candidates. I have read that Barack Obama has ties to this group; however, I have not been able to solidify this claim yet.

Many states have early voting and ACORN has already messed with the system. Fake names have been registered, including ex-Dallas Cowboys.

Do we SERIOUSLY have to deal with this crap every election year?!?!

When are we going to make penalties and enforce them so that this garbage stops stinking up our political process more than it already does. I do not want to hear people whining that so and so won because such and such a group cheated.

Not simply because it's annoying, but because it should piss everyone off that the cheating is happening in the first place.

Voter fraud shouldn't only appear to be a problem when your candidate loses.


Fact Checking: Good Point Corey

Following the link and reading the FactCheck.org post on the Biden-Palin VP Debate

... it looks like that article Corey posted is right. They never corrected Biden on his citing of the wrong parts of the constitution, amongst many other things. They do make corrections to their "checking" as can be seen on their homepage, maybe we will see that soon?

It doesn't really seem as though FactCheck.org is biased, as they knock both Republicans and Democrats, but they do seem to have missed some key points.

If their job is to check facts, they should probably check for all of them, right?

Usually, it helps to read several news sources in order to get a more true picture of what's going on. I visit FOX News, CNN.com, FactCheck.org, BBC.com, and read several other newspapers and news sources a day.

Don't rely on one place or you won't be getting the whole story.

Biden doesn't know what a VP does and "FactCheck.org" needs to re-check its "facts"

Not all "fact checks" are correct in these debates....


Seems like Palin knows more about the job she's applying for than Biden....and he's been there for how long???


Religious? Try RELIGULOUS.

Let me preface this delicious post, or as some blinded by the artificial light may call it, "blasphemy," with a quote from a cartoon that sums up what I do when asked to pray about something:

"Everyone, please bow your heads... and pretend to be serious."- Mooninites, Aquateen Hungerforce (#1 in da hood, G).

Anyone offended yet?

If you are a religious person who is 100% sure that you are correct in your beliefs, or "faith," or whatever you call something that you cannot actually prove or have facts to back up...

I personally challenge you to go see the movie Religulous by Bill Maher.

How about now?

Actually, go see the MOVIE no matter what. It's funny, it's serious, it's entertaining, and it MAKES YOU THINK.
P.S. is there anything more narrow-minded than refusing to go see a movie just because it counters your beliefs? What do you, as a seemingly rational person, gain from shutting out varying viewpoints that may or may not challenge/disagree with your beliefs?

Also, if you are a free thinker you might ENJOY THIS SITE.

So what's the point of an atheist or person in doubt questioning the beliefs of others? Why should I care to poke and prod at the religious folk in the world? Leave them alone Dave, what have they ever done to you?

If you honestly take that position then you are oblivious to what some call "reality."

Religions try to run people's lives. But not just THEIR followers, EVERY ONE'S.

Now there are 2 ways I could go from here. I could talk about the ways in which religion has severely hurt my life and ended the lives of countless, LITERALLY COUNTLESS people (be they religious victims or otherwise).


I could just go right ahead and try to appeal to your REASON.

For some of you, neither of these approaches will work. (Am I starting to sound cocky yet? Read on...)

Some of you might still think evolution is a lie. You might think that the world is only 6,000 or so years old. You might believe the world was created in 6 days and that god, being all powerful, needed a break on that 7th day. You might think that adam and eve were created by god, that humans lived at the same time as dinosaurs, or (even better) that dinosaurs are made up.

Let's just have a little religious review here:

God is a man, no doubt about it: for some reason he needs a penis.

Mary never had sex, Jesus just popped out.

Women are belittled in the bible FAR MORE than they are allotted any respect. (They are even offered for rape.) So what does this tell you about the people (yes people) who wrote the bible? Why should women even consider following such a sexist (and that's not a strong enough word to describe it) man-written book?

Everything that exists was created in six days by an invisible man who, somehow, just always existed. You must accept this premise or else the rest of the incredible stuff about religion might seem just a bit too ridiculous...

A talking snake, once again people: A TALKING SNAKE (who is actually the devil!?!) tricked adam and eve into the HORRIBLE sin of eating a forbidden fruit. God, who is all knowing, all powerful and ever-present... in all of HIS glory (reminder god has a penis), didn't see this coming.

This invisible man resides in "Heaven" which is apparently up in the sky somewhere. Which was convenient for the writers of the bible at the time because flight and spacecraft hadn't been invented yet (Why hasn't NASA found heaven?) .

There were AT LEAST 10 prior "saviors" that came BEFORE jesus in other religions. They all had the same story: virgin birth, performed miracles, disciples, crucified, died, resurrected 3 days later. What makes Jesus' story any more real or true? The fact that you were told to believe this tall tale, no questions asked, since you were born is pretty unfair. You were told by adults that this story (along with Santa Clause) were true. These adults had complete control over you, OF COURSE YOU ARE GOING TO BELIEVE IT.

Oh, and some nicknames for the "saviors" that came before jesus: The alpha and the omega, the way, the truth, the light, so on and so forth (I HOPE BY NOW YOU ARE STARTING TO GET THE POINT?)

Rhetorical Question (Thanks Richard Dawkins): Why don't you believe in Zeus? Why don't you believe in Apollo? Why don't you believe in Thor?

You might be thinking... "Well because that's ridiculous Dave. They were made up. Duh!" These were "legitimate gods" that were worshiped in the past, and now we laugh at them as being mythology.

I hope that 50 years from now at least 40% of Americans will realize that we should neatly place our religions convictions and contradictions in a book with the Greek gods and Egyptian gods and properly store them in the mythology section of book stores and libraries.

Give me one reason why we shouldn't? Can you back it up with real evidence?

Here's something we can all agree on: Santa isn't real (((shocked!?))). He was made up by humans. We, as rational adults, do not believe that ONE MAN goes flying around the ENTIRE world delivering presents to all the children in one night (Well only to the good little Christians kids, screw the rest they don't believe in the right religion).

So what's so rational about believing that ONE magical MAN who is floating in the sky(once again I don't know why god needs a penis) can hear the voices of EVERYONE ON EARTH all at once (prayer). OOooooh and not just that! He can even see your every action and he knows your every thought! He's keeping tabs on each and every one of us? Really???

Reminiscent of Santa much?
"He's knows when you are sleeping, he knows when you're awake, he knows when you are bad and good so be good for goodness sake!"

When we grow up we throw out our magical beliefs about Santa. Why do we hold onto religion?

"So be good for goodness sake..."
Hmm... That's another problem: Why should we as humans have to be scared into being good? I do not put "FAITH*" in any known god or religion that has been presented to me in my life, yet, shockingly, I still don't run around killing people. Oh, minor side-note, a fair amount of people do run around killing people BECAUSE OF their belief in god.

(*Faith: (1): belief and trust in and loyalty to God (2): belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion b (1): firm belief in something for which there is no proof (2): complete trust 3: something that is believed especially with strong conviction ; especially : a system of religious beliefs )

"Well that's not me Dave, I'm on Religion-Lite. The version where we ignore all those rules in the Bible, Koran, and so on that require death to those who work on Sunday, or who wear two different kinds of threads at once, or tell us to kill any non-believers. I'm not them, so religion is good."

Technically, aren't YOU the one who isn't following the full tenets of your own religion? The people doing the killings are. So: Your religion does promote this violence and killing, you just ignore it. WHY? BECAUSE YOU KNOW IT IS WRONG. You already know that your religion is wrong, flawed, dangerous... but you conveniently ignores parts, it's just easier to ignore the truth, right? (P.S. I'd rather you drop your faith than go on a killing spree) .

And I certainly do not hope that you religious folks in the readership only behave appropriately out of FEAR OF PUNISHMENT from the ridiculous deity that I have described in this post.

By this point you may be thinking: "Wow, Dave, YOU SOUND COCKY! You think you know everything!"

I beg to differ. I do not claim to KNOW the answers. I am just pointing out the things that rational people should already know to be absurdities in religion. "Is there a god, Dave?" There could be, but you cannot prove it. AND I sure as hell hope the deity, if it exists, is NOTHING like what any of the religions preach.

Ready for some sarcasm Grandma?

- The best part about religion is that people kill each other, judge each other, belittle each other, take rights away from each other, hate each other, segregate each other, and blow the crap up out of each other because of religious beliefs that are remarkably similar to that of ancient Greek, Egyptian, and other beliefs that everyone readily regards as "MYTH."

Go SEE Religulous. Give it a chance. If you disagree with it, then do so using facts.



I have absolutely nothing to blog about today.

In fact, if you turn on the channel 12 news you will see two anchors, sitting there, awkwardly staring back at you with blank eyes and nothing to say.

The guy on channel 4 is so nervous and sweaty that it's entertaining, but in a creepy way. He just keeps muttering,"commercial...commercial...commercial?!" and wiping his brow with toilet paper (I think they ran out of tissues). Some is stuck to his forehead.

Maybe the world has stopped spinning? Nah, that wouldn't explain it...

Oh, and don't even bother to open up the newspapers. They are blank: empty, zip, zero, nada, zilch. No news, just page numbers in roman numerals for some reason.

The lady on channel 12 tried to start talking about the debate last night, but when she got to the "Pal.." part of Sarah Palin, she just threw up all over the counter.

There is no election coverage at all. FOX News keeps looping footage of 9/11 and CNN's Lou Dobbs and Wolf Blitzer are shouting at Anderson Cooper for seemingly having two last names.

Even the stock market is refusing to gain or lose any points. Rather than the standard numbers and figures scrolling on the boards, investors are staring at LED text that reads "Dear Congress: fucking do something."

So sorry guys, nothing to post today. I'm going back to bed.




Sarah Palin: "I AM JOE SIXPACK!"

In an interview with columnist and blogger Hugh Hewett, Sarah Palin was quoted as saying the following in response to certain media types saying she's inexperienced:

"Oh, I think they're just not used to someone coming in from the outside saying you know what? It's time that normal Joe six-pack American is finally represented in the position of vice presidency, and I think that that's kind of taken some people off guard, and they’re out of sorts, and they’re ticked off about it," Palin told Hewitt."

The following is a REAL YOU READY GRANDMA/RPMS Exclusive story with Sarah Palin...

Crushing her 5th Busch Light and cracking open a "fresh one", the rough and tough Sarah Palin declared to the "media elites" that as Vice President, she would represent the "Joe Sixpack American".

There has been a distinct change in Mrs. Palin since receiving her self-appointed title of Joe Sixpack representative. With the full and "official" title being: Joe Sixpack, Gun Shootin'est, Rootin' Tootin'est, Beer guzzlin'ist, Moose huntin'ist, Beard Growin American: It is visibly clear that Palin carries a new weight on her shoulders.

For starters, Palin has clearly neglected shaving and grooming: "This 5 o' clock shadow represents the faces of every hardworking American after a long day of the 9 to 5," Palin declared with a fresh froth of beer foam nestled in her newly formed moustache.

"After losing over $20,000 dollars in the stockmarket, I've had to re-think my lifestyle! In Russia, that's almost 500,000 Rubles!"

When asked how she managed to grow a mustache so quickly, the Republican Vice Presidential Candidate responded, slurring her words, "The sunlight in Alaska is just so different from the rest of the U.S., and we're so close to Russia too... you should see some of those ladies mustaches!"

Continuing her explanation, the potential Vice President said, "I'm really going for the Sally-everyman look," Palin exclaimed in between beer laden belches. Pulling out a chart (see below) she continued, "John and I sat down and decided that the closest Maverick-Everyman look would probably either be the Magnum or a Zorro, but right now it looks like I have a Chaplin with Wario on the edges."

The Vice Presidential Mustache Chart

Before passing out in her own vomit, Palin expressed concerns that the "Obama camp might take a cue from the move. If they do, a Barack Obama with a Dali or an M.L. King might be enough to put the Dems over the top."