
Vatican: Women Don't Count

"ROME, Italy --The Vatican announced Thursday in a general decree that it will excommunicate anyone who would attempt to ordain a woman as a priest and the woman herself." - CNN.com


A national petition signed by priests from coast to coast reads: "The Vatican has made it clear that it only wants to hang out with men," adding, "I mean, seriously, we only sleep with boys anyway..."

The decree was not adhered to by Kathrine Nikoski, a program manager for Roman Catholic Women Who Like Little Boys. Nikoski was ordained two years ago.

"We like boys too... seriously," said Nikoski, a 89-year-old unwed grandmother who lives in Hot Wings, Alabam. She said her group is comprised of 9 to 15 year old boys who sleep with women priests. The Church refuses to recognize the women-priests, but is welcoming the boys with open arms.

"The Church has one of the last patriarchal hierarchies that it utilizes to get cute boys, and I don't know when they will be ready to share the wealth... besides, we all like to sleep with little boys."

Nikosi says she will continue her work as a stripper in a church daycare who celebrates mass in drag even if she is excommunicated.

She hopes that the church's "anti-boy sharing stance" will fizzle out. "I think we're getting more support from Catholics boys who are saying this is getting ridiculous, we aren't all gay" she said.


200 New Testaments Burned in Israel

Israeli police are looking into identifying and prosecuting the perpetrators in the recent burnings of over 200 copies of the New Testament in the city of Or-Yehuda.

Authorities were not certain as to why the New Testaments had been set aflame but have narrowed the possibilities down to:

- they were used as rolling papers by Jamaican tourists

- the 2nd half of the Bible is complete bullshit, but the first half is golden

- it got kinda cold and the air conditioner dial was jammed in "Jesus it's hot" mode

- Radical Muslims ... (unintelligible) ... airplanes ... (unintelligible) ...

- Local Jussawi Mzdorphenstein tripped while carrying the Olympic Torch past an improvised game of New Testament dominoes

- Less Bible = shorter sermons

- American Flags were on short supply

Attempts have been made to contact God for his opinion on the occurrence but so far He has not materialized, spoken with a booming voice in our heads, or returned any of my phone calls (sad face).


It's been a while

sorry it's been a while since new posts......we're still alive.....promise....

while you're waiting for us to update, enjoy this awesome song by Newton Faulkner -- "Dream Catch Me"


Minor slip up for Mr. Obama....

I'm not voting for someone who doesn't know how many states there are in the union.....every 1st grader knows this, I don't care how "tired" or "worn down" he might have been....it's just something you don't ever forget.....like your own phone number....

and is it coincidence that there are 57 Islamic states? just wondering.....