
Pope, Church Pretend that Religion & Science Compliment Eachother

Pope Benedict XVI, the "holy" man formerly known as Joseph Alois Ratzinger (Prince reference anybody?), used Winter Solstice as an opportunity to continue a lie.

Ratzinger proclaimed that by comprehending the laws of nature we can somehow grow in our understanding and appreciation of "the Lord's" works.

In truth, there is a HUGE disconnect between religious "faith" and scientific fact.

One must either fully believe in what their holy book says, or one must concede that the holy book is flawed, and thus not "God inspired," but rather the written musings of man.

It's all or nothing people. God either meant it, or he didn't. And choosing for conveniece is the same as acknowledging the falsity and numerous inconvenient flaws.

Science has shown us that the earth is much older than holy texts suggest. Religion has made up excuses to try to incorporate this. They either conveniently make up something called "God's time" or they disregard science and radiocarbon dating all together.

Science has also shown us that the earth was not created in a matter of days, and that humans, and every organism we see on this planet, did not exist when the earth originally began to develop.

(Many religious leaders would have us believe that the earth is not BILLIONS of years old, but rather, only a few thousand.)

In other words, the creation story, which is how the holy book says everything came to be (THIS IS A BIG DEAL HERE) is a myth that is in direct conflict with science.

Science has shown us that, contrary to what religious leaders may tell us, humans are the result of evolution: we were not simply placed here on earth by some deity who made us "in his image." We evolved, this is a fact.

Religion and science have been battling eachother for as long as wishful thinking (rather than truth and logic) has been used to give peace of mind.

At first religion rejected evolution, and now, with the overwhelming amount of evidence, it is trying to accept it by calling it part of "God's plan." Labeling it "creationism."

I call it a sad attempt to remain relevant via slight of hand. Religious leaders are picking and choosing from the bible and cherry picking data from science. Then they mold them together as much as possible and sweep any disconect under the rug.

This is nothing new for religion.

As noted by Fox News today:

"The Catholic Church condemned Galileo in the 17th century for supporting Nicholas Copernicus' discovery that the Earth revolved around the sun; church teaching at the time placed Earth at the center of the universe. In 1992, Pope John Paul II apologized, saying that the denuncuation was a tragic error." (took long enough?)

Nothing like being condemned for using your brain and scientific fact.

Just as the church found it insulting to think that we weren't the center of "God's" universe: His CHOSEN creations. They still find it troubling to realize that their teachings are being unvelied as false by science.

"I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world." ~ Richard Dawkins.


Dressing Up Like Idiots & Being Fired For Being One

Two INSANE Topics Here:
Misguided People are Dressing Up Like Jesus at their jobs and in public to "fight the secularization of Christmas" which doesn't allow them to say "Merry Christmas" to customers that come in. Customers who they do not know.


A woman in Florida claims she was fired for refusing to stop saying "Merry Christmas" to customers. Once again, customers who she doesn't know. Oh, and she's suing!

Okay, let's just stop and take a second to analyze these things LOGICALLY.

People were told by their pastor in Kansas City, Kansas to dress up like Jesus and "at least" wear a crown of thorns and a sash or robe.

They are doing this at their places of work, especially in malls and restaurants because they think it will help fight the "secularization of Christmas" because they aren't allowed to say "Merry Christmas" in the work place to the customers that come in. CUSTOMERS THAT THEY DO NOT EVEN KNOW.

I will ask this: WHY in the world do people feel that they must say "Merry Christmas" to people who they do not even know. To people who may be Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, Atheist, or what ever else.

Why does it offend certain Christians to not ASSUME that someone who they do not know is Christian like them?

Additionally, as you can see from the photo link below, these people are making themselves look ridiculous and one individual is claiming to have lost her job because of her unwillingness to use logic when dealing with her company's customers and refraining from using the religion-specific greeting.

P.S. What's the deal with nut-job church ideas coming out of Kansas? (Like Westboro Church in Topeka).

Story Links:
Fired for Idiocracy
Dressing Like Jesus
Pictures: HERE


Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays

So as trivial as this may seem, the debate rages on over whether or not to say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays" to people who you do not even know.

Isn't it simple to find the answer?

If you don't know someone, why assume they are Christian?

What's offensive or less meaningful about saying "Happy Holidays?"
What is the built-in or inherent superiority in saying "Merry Christmas" ?

Working at a store in a strip mall I see this little battle raging everyday.

I TRY to avoid the issue all together by saying, "Have a nice day," or "Have a good night," maybe "Have a great weekend!"

Other employees at the store sometimes do say "Happy Holidays," which is fine, if you are willing to deal with the more than occasional proclamation-esque response of "Merry Christmas!" Which normally might not pass through your ears causing any stir of emotion, but these people say it like they are proving a point.

Then they follow it up with a look in their eyes as if to say, "Yah, that's right I SAID IT!"

I even get this holier-than-thou, that's right I DARE to assume you are Christian - Because I am one and I'm a rebel who is doing something NOBLE!!! - Response after saying "have a good day!"

What's the deal with people?


Dehumanization: It's a Problem

Overall, I truly feel that this description applies to how homosexuals are being treated today:

"At the core of evil is the process of dehumanization by which certain other people or collectives of them, are depicted as less than human, as non comparable in humanity or personal dignity to those who do the labeling. Prejudice employs negative stereotypes in images or verbally abusive terms to demean and degrade the objects of its narrow view of superiority over these allegedly inferior persons. Discrimination involves the actions taken against those others based on the beliefs and emotions generated by prejudiced perspectives..."

"...Dehumanization is one of the central processes in the transformation of ordinary, normal people into indifferent or even wanton perpetrators of evil. Dehumanization is like a “cortical cataract” that clouds one’s thinking and fosters the perception that other people are less than human. It makes some people come to see those others as enemies deserving of torment, torture, and even annihilation."

Taken from The Lucifer Effect, by Philip Zimbardo

I firmly believe that religion is the root of the problem. If we based our judgments on scientific process, observation of nature, biology, and psychology ... rather than old books written by men... there would be less of a problem here.


Prop 8 - The Musical" starring Jack Black, John C. Reilly, and many more...

WOW! A lot of stars seem to be more educated on the bible and the constitution than you might think...

located at funny or die.com: http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/c0cf508ff8/prop-8-the-musical-starring-jack-black-john-c-reilly-and-many-more-from-fod-team-jack-black-craig-robinson-john-c-reilly-and-rashida-jones


Happy "Everything's Offensive" Holidays!!!

Every year we hear the same story: There's a war on Christmas.


Because some people say "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas."

Yah, that's pretty offensive to not ASSUME that the person you are talking to is Christian...

What do you mean we can't put up signs and displays on government or public property without other religions or ideas being allowed for too?

Other religions don't count. And as long as my religious beliefs are being allowed for, I don't see why we should allow for free speech!

Atheists and agnostics should not be allowed to make displays about their beliefs, it's different from what I believe and it's OFFENDING my beliefs.

Yah, sounds like a huge war on Christmas again this year.

cough cough...


Three SUVs Parked on Church Altar

The Greater Grace Temple, A Detroit Mega-Christian-church which has thousands of followers, prayed with 3 sport utility vehicles on their center stage/altar this past Sunday.


Because they wanted "God" to influence Congress to pass the car-maker bailout this week.

They put three brand-spankin'-new SUVs on the altar: a Ford Escape, a Chevy Tahoe from GM, and a Chrysler Aspen.

Logically, if they really wanted to make a difference, they could have sent a petition to Congress or something like that. But praying to their god with huge expensive SUVs on the altar apparently made more sense to them...

At least they got the press to cover the ridiculous event so that congress would see it. But, in my opinion, it was at the expense of looking crazy.

Since they are willing to pray with 3 SUVs on their center stage altar, I'm sure that they wouldn't mind helping any of you out with any prayer you have. No matter how ridiculous it might be. GIVE IT A SHOT (CLICK ME)


Morals: Not derived from Religion

(Central Arkansas Pastafarians Protesting Westboro Baptist...notice the green sign)

Read on...

For those of you who claim to be believers in Christianity - to some degree - and firmly believe that moral values have to come from religion, I must point out that you are probably flawed in your logic:

Have you read the Bible? I mean, ACTUALLY read it?

There are horrific rules and "moral" lessons throughout the book.

So it is obvious that you pick and choose which moral values to follow from the Bible and which ones to ignore.

- You do not stone people to death for working on Sundays (Exodus 31:12-15... and a few others)

- You do not condemn one another for wearing clothing made of more than one kind of thread, or for eating shrimp, or the bunch of other nonsense found in Deuteronomy 22:11... which, by the way, is also one of the main verses used to condemn homosexuality.

- You (hopefully) do not treat women as being inferior, and women are allowed to speak and ask questions in the church (Ephesians 5:22-24.... and about 30 others).

These are just a few examples from both the Old AND New Testaments.

If we as human beings have realized that many of the teachings in the Bible are simply wrong, offensive, and immoral... then clearly we have based these decisions off of something other than the holy text that Christianity is based off of.

So let's be honest: You can be a good person without following a religion.

OH! And P.S. that Westboro church has the following on their website (godhatesfags.com):

"Obama is the Antichrist Bible preachers have a duty to discern the signs of the times as they are displayed before them in their day (Matt 16:3). Westboro Baptist Church believes, based upon the signs of these times, that Barack Obama is the Antichrist, also referred to as the Beast, and we are here to deliver that message in a plain, unambiguous fashion. Antichrist Obama's end is well described and sure, per Rev. 19:20 "And the beast (Antichrist Obama) was taken, and with him the false prophet (the Pope) ...These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone."


Church Breaks Apart After Hitting Fictional Moral Iceberg

Schism Over Proven Facts and Unprovable Guesses

The Episcopal Church is splitting into two groups.

Essentially, the more "conservative Episcopalians" are leaving the church and starting their own because they feel that the leadership of the current church is too "liberal."

Two main gripes that the conservative Episcopal members have involve a disagreement on "salvation" and their strong refusal to accept homosexuality.

Arguments began breaking out in 2003 when Episcopalians consecrated the first homosexual bishop... well... the first openly gay bishop...

This newly formed group of conservative Episcopalians claim that they "represent true Anglican beliefs."

Two points

ONE: How can you have a disagreement on "salvation"... let's be honest, nobody KNOWS what happens after we die.

TWO: If the American Psychological Association (APA), the largest and most prestigious association of its kind in the world, says that homosexuality is not a choice, not a disease, and not changeable... then what's the deal?

Looks like science and logic have run into a stubborn iceberg of conservative Episcopalians.

Expect to see the new sect's constitution released in the upcoming weeks... I know I'm excited... cough cough.


Hunting season with the Hines!!

Hunting - A real sport.

For those of you who are not familiar with the tradition of hunting, more specifically whitetail deer hunting, this post might be very interesting or possibly disturbing to you.

I come from the state of Pennsylvania where there are around 1,000,000 (one million) registered hunters (that number is a the best estimate, next survey is in 2010). And there were plenty of reports of the numbers going up this year because of it being a relatively cheap way to fill the freezer with meat for the winter during these tough economic times.

According to that number, if all of the PA hunters were to assemble in an organized "military" unit, versus the active personnel numbers on Wikipedia, it would be the 4th or 5th largest military in the world. Intense.

So needless to say, its a strong tradition for suburban to rural families in the state of PA. Including mine!

The hunting (whitetail deer) season starts on the Monday after Thanksgiving every year and lasts for two weeks. That day is basically a state holiday, kids off school, and lots of people off work.

This year dad, brother, and sister went out on my uncle's farm, about 300 acres, in Susquehanna county (Northeast PA or NEPA).

Kevin got a spike (allowed on a junior license) at around 6:45 AM. He said it looked like a tree at first, granted it was still semi-dark at the time. He was using a 30-30 with a mounted scope, I think. (Ignore the date on the picture, and let that be a reminder to never buy a Kodak digital camera, they're terrible)

Dad got his sometime mid-morning with his .270 I assume, the same gun I shot my first deer with. It's a very nice 9-pointer (would have been a 10 but one was broken off), he said it had ~19-20 inch spread. Of course this one is getting mounted on the living room wall next to his other "big one." That's how we do it in PA. (Pardon the goofy expression....haha)

Hopefully Meg can get one when she goes out again on Friday like she plans. Dad and Kevin can each tag a doe too since they all got doe tags this year. Essentially my family can harvest 6 deer this year. I wish I could contribute to that but some people feel grad school is more important to attend....pshh. Its been 5 years since I went out in the woods to hunt....I'm going through some serious withdrawal. I can't wait to go home for winter break to some deer meat!!

Since this blog tends to lean towards the controversial side let this post be an opening to some hunting/anti-hunting discussion. Fair warning, if you defend PETA in anyway you automatically lose.

Now playing: Safetysuit - The Moment
via FoxyTunes


Bible Lessons with David

If this really "grinds your gears" then leave a comment. You don't even have to read the whole post!

Although... it is recommended!

Should you be dead yet?

Leviticus 20:9
If anyone curses his father or mother, he must be put to death.

If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife—with the wife of his neighbor—both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death.

This one would kill a lot of us:

Exodus 35:2
For six days, work is to be done, but the seventh day shall be your holy day, a Sabbath of rest to the LORD. Whoever does any work on it must be put to death.

"Omnipotence, gotta get me some of that!" ~ Stewie, Family Guy

Deuteronomy 7:1-2
When the Lord your God brings you into the land you are entering to possess and drives out before you many nations . . . then you must destroy them totally. Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy.
However, in the cities of the nations the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes. Completely destroy them—the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites—as the Lord your God has commanded you.

Full Stewie Quote: "Yes, I rather like this God fellow. He's very theatrical, you know, a pestilence here, a plague there. Omnipotence. Gotta get me some of that."

God sounds kind of cuddly in this one:

Ezekiel 20:25-26 I also gave them over to statutes that were not good and laws they could not live by; I let them become defiled through their gifts—the sacrifice of every firstborn—that I might fill them with horror so they would know that I am the LORD.

Kinda sounds like a power hungry drag queen actually... just kidding... but seriously people, are you reading this stuff?

Women, pray that your men do not read the bible, because... well...Check this out :(

Ephesians 5:22-24
Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.

Slavery is totally cool with God... the South shall rise again?!?!

Exodus 21:20-21
If a man beats his male or female slave with a rod and the slave dies as a direct result, he must be punished, but he is not to be punished if the slave gets up after a day or two, since the slave is his property.

1 Peter 2:13
Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every authority instituted among men.

Slaves, submit yourselves to your masters with all respect, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh.


There are not any FOUR legged insects... and still...

Leviticus 11:20-22
All flying insects that walk on all fours are to be detestable to you. There are, however, some winged creatures that walk on all fours that you may eat: those that have jointed legs for hopping on the ground. Of these you may eat any kind of locust, katydid, cricket or grasshopper.

Hmmm... the earth must be flat still?

Matthew 4:8
The devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor.

MATH PROBLEMS = Not the Bible's strong point

1 Kings 7:23
He made the Sea of cast metal, circular in shape, measuring ten cubits from rim to rim . . . It took a line of thirty cubits to measure around it.

Actually...Pi (3.14) ... not 3

Psalms 104:5
He set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved.

...hmmm it rotates and revolves around the sun...

Some Selected Contradictions from: http://home.earthlink.net/~owl233/biblequotes.htm

2 Kings 2:11
As they were walking along and talking together, suddenly a chariot of fire and horses of fire appeared and separated the two of them, and Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind.

John 3:13
No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven—the Son of Man.
Numbers 23:19 God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind.
Exodus 32:14 Then the Lord relented and did not bring on his people the disaster he had threatened.
Ephesians 2:8-9 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith . . . not by works.
James 2:14-17 What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save him? . . . Faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.
Revelation 22:12 Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done.
(Jesus speaking)
Matthew 5:16 Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your father in heaven.
Matthew 6:1 Be careful not to do your ‘acts of righteousness’ before men, to be seen by them.
(Jesus speaking)
John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.
Matthew 10:34 Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
Genesis 32:30 So Jacob called the place Peniel, saying, “It is because I saw God face to face, and my life was preserved.”
Exodus 33:11 The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks with his friend.
John 1:18 No one has ever seen God.
(Jesus speaking)
John 5:31 If I testify about myself, my testimony is not valid.
John 8:14 Even if I testify on my own behalf, my testimony is valid.


Quick Survey for My Boyfriend's Class

Hey guys and gals, if you could take this quick survey it would really help out Kyle!

Here's the Link: (((CLICK ME!)))


It's that time again

Hello faithful readers, it is time for our weekly Band Of The Week...that was redundant. This week I'm switching gears and bringing you a hardcore band out of Florida called Paddock Park. I stumbled upon these guys while cruising myspace and have been in love since.

Their sound is somewhat of a conundrum, initially coming off as hardcore but quickly pulling a 180 and showing their alt-pop backgrounds. If you had asked me about this prior to hearing them I would never have believed it could work. Check out Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, the second track on their newly released album titled "A Hiding Place for Fake Friends".

Now for the downside; being an incredibly young band, many of the lyrics are immature and lack the complexity that comes with age. The music highlights many problems that occur to a typical high schooler: fake friends, girl issues, etc. If you can look past this though they are a band that is definitely worth checking out.

Special K Rating- 7

Is that Logic in your pants, or are you just happy to read the bible?

Here are two very short, yet highly entertaining videos:

I think it is interesting to note the role that religion plays in these issues and, most certainly, the role that science and professional research plays in these issues.

It appears that regardless of scientific finding, many religious people would rather ignore that and rely on what their priest tells them on Sundays.

Why is it that we let empirical facts be overwhelmed by emotional and fact-devoid literature?



Belief in "God" Dropping Over Time

In 2000, belief in a personal "God" was at 86% in the United States with belief in some sort of a "Universal Spirit" at 8% and belief in neither a "God," nor a spirit (a.k.a. atheism) being at 5%.

Today, in 2008, the numbers have changed a little bit with 78% believing in a personal "God" (an 8% decrease), 15% believing in some sort of spirit, but not a personal god, (a 7% increase), and 6% being atheist (1% increase).

Other trends regarding religious belief show that the more educated a person is, the less likely they are to believe in a personal "God."

9% of those with a post-graduate degree are atheist, with another 19% in this group not having a personal "God," but some sort of belief in the potential of a universal spirit. Leaving 71% with a belief in a personal "God."

88% of those with a high school degree or less believe in "God."

Keep in mind this is just for America, belief in a "God" is lower in most of Europe.

Interestingly, the vast majority of leading scientist are not religious.

Corey shared this website with me and I have been addicted ever since, here's a video worth watching from Ted.com:

Some arguments against religious belief (CLICK ME)


Consumer Mania Kills...Literally

***Add on from yesterday: "Other workers were trampled as they tried to rescue the man, and customers stepped over him and became irate when officials said the store was closing because of the death, police and witnesses said." ~ The Associated Press

So, not only did these people kill the man, but they were then upset that the store had to be closed as a result... what's wrong with people?
Black Friday claims a life.

Today in New York a Wal-Mart worker was trampled to his death by idiot consumers.

People literally just kept running over his body.

And why?

Because they wanted to get some items on sale. Items that probably were not even necessities.

What a sad and pointless way to die... working at Wal-mart being killed by your own customers who are, essentially, border-line insane.

I hope that the security tapes pick out as many of those who trampled him to death as possible and that they are prosecuted, at the very least, for involuntary manslaughter or negligent homicide.

Additionally, a woman who was 8-months pregnant was taken to the hospital as she was dumb enough to partake in the Black Friday rush and nearly miscarried.


The Pope Plays Gay Football?

Well, not exactly...

The following is very interesting to read and full of stimulating information. I know that some people do not have the time or energy to read whole articles, so I highlighted key parts so you can skim and stop to read parts that strike your fancy... your welcome ;)

This Article Was Written By Wayne Besen of Truth Wins Out

On Sunday, New York Times Columnist Nicholas Kristof discussed religious and cultural extremism in Pakistan, where a new cabinet member, Israr Ullah Zardari, defended the torture-murder of five women and girls who were buried alive (three girls wanted to choose their own husbands, and two women wanted to protect them.) The Times had another article on Monday about an all-girl rock band in Saudi Arabia that is forbidden from playing live concerts because of their gender.

At home, former Arkansas governor and pastor, Mike Huckabee, appeared on ABC’s “The View” and said that gay and lesbian equality was not the same as civil rights because homosexuals have not had their skulls cracked and were not hosed down by police. Apparently, he is unaware of the latest FBI hate crime statistics that show bias attacks based on sexual orientation making up 15.5 percent of all reported hate crimes.

In Rome, Pope Benedict XVI is being criticized this week for questioning the usefulness of Interfaith dialogue in a letter he wrote to Italian politician Marcello Pera. What the Pope fails to point out is that thanks to intransigent absolutists, like the pontiff, finding common ground is nearly impossible.

How can we expect interfaith dialogue when we can’t even have Interstate dialogue between two Mormon universities 45 miles apart because they have literally turned religion into a political football? When the secular University of Utah played its religious school rival, Brigham Young University (BYU), last weekend, the teams treated the End Zone as if it were the Promised Land.

“It’s like a lot of other rivalries, except for those at the extremes,” Michael Anastasi, managing editor of the Salt Lake Tribune told the New York Times. “For them, it’s not only that your school is weak, you’re going to Hell too.”

Two years ago, the rivalry was further soured after BYU quarterback John Beck threw a touchdown pass to receiver Jonny Harline, who sank to his knees – as if in prayer – to make the winning catch. Describing the “miraculous” play, another B.Y.U. receiver, Austin Collie, concluded it occurred because students at the religious school lived cleaner lives.

“Obviously, if you do what’s right on and off the field, I think the Lord steps in and plays a part in it,” said Collie. (For the record, the holier-than-thou BYU was crushed 48-24 in this weekend’s game. I’m guessing the Lord was upset at Mormon involvement in California’s Prop. 8 banning same-sex marriages)

If religious groups become fratricidal based on football allegiance, it seems there is little hope for genuine reconciliation with gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people. We must still work to enlighten the flock where we can, but fundamentalist leaders will only transform their anti-gay views when popular opinion decidedly turns against them – as it did with race relations in the 1960s and 1970’s.

The strategy for the GLBT movement has been to circumvent the ideologues and create change within mainline denominations. I wholeheartedly support such efforts and have contributed to them. Unfortunately, there is scant evidence to suggest that these religious institutions will thrive and form a substantial bulwark against fundamentalism.

In “America Theocracy,” author Kevin Phillips documents the steep decline of reasonable religion in favor of the rabble-rousing variety.

“Between 1940 and 1985 mainline Protestantism’s share of all U.S. religious adherents was steadily plummeting…Between 1960 and 1997 – the Presbyterian Church, The Episcopal Church, The United Church of Christ and the Methodists lost between 500,000 and 2 million members each. In the meantime, the Southern Baptist Convention added 6 million, the Mormons 3.3 million, the Pentacostal Assemblies of God 2 million and the Church of God (Tennessee) some 600,000.”

The implications are that the GLBT movement may be placing its eggs in a basket that is rapidly fraying. It seems that people are either gravitating towards religious extremism or secular humanism, with little appetite for mainline faith. The Internet also offers easy access to eclectic spiritual beliefs that one can follow without organized religion. So, the hope that mainstream religion, as we know it, will supplant anti-gay denominations seems far-fetched.

The trends of urbanization and the discrediting of corporate Republican-style religion will lead, in my view, to more people losing their faith. However, fundamentalist sects will continue to consolidate market share for those who feel estranged or displaced by modernity. In other words, America will look much like Europe in the coming decades – with a secular majority and a small, but still vocal, fundamentalist minority. (Mostly Islamic in Europe)

I can hear objections from those who rightfully point out that America is more religious than Europe. But, Kevin Phillips reminds us that Europe was once was hyper-religious too – but circumstances change over time.

“As the 21st Century began,” writes Phillips. “None of the western countries in which Reformation Protestantism bred its radical or anarchic sects nearly five hundred years earlier – England, Scotland, Germany, Switzerland, and the Netherlands — still had congregations of any great magnitude adhering to that theology.”

The Basis of Christianity

Here's a quick 30 second look at Christianity which is not meant to be an attack, just honest questioning:

Jesus Christ was God in human form.

(Some Christians also firmly believe that the Holy Spirit is part of a "trinity," all of which are God in three persons: God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.)

The main point of Christianity is to believe that Jesus (who is God) came to earth to save us from sins that we committed against God.

Most logical and rational people should be able to look at this story and see a HUGE flaw.

Why would God send himself in human form as Jesus in order to "save us from our sins" which were against God (himself)?

How does this make any sense?

Why would God need to apologize to himself for our sins against him?

Any thoughts? Let's talk this one out!

Leave a comment.


Jesus & Holiday Joy: Codependent?

It's getting confusing...

I have recently discussed with numerous individuals the connection between "The Holidays" and religion.

Some people have said that it is possible to just enjoy the holidays without even having to worry about religion.

As a person who is as close to atheist as you can get without declaring it outright, I have to kind of disagree, as some people wont let you avoid religion, and here is some proof:

In Patchogue, New York, the annual boat parade that takes place on the Long Island river recently changed it's name from "Patchogue Christmas Boat Parade" to "Patchogue Boat Parade of Lights."

The result was religious backlash.

Essentially, the attitude of many was "It's our religion or the highway."

Apparently a boat parade carries some sort of religious importance?

I'm confused.

The famous fireworks company Grucci, (not to be confused with Gucci) who used to donate fireworks to the event, completely dropped its engagement with the event and severed its ties with the boat parade.

No donations to bring holiday joy this year :(


Well, the Grucci Fireworks vice president Philip Butler vehemently opposed the re-naming of the boat parade.

Christian folks called the re-naming "the secularization of Christmas."

Someone please tell me what part of the bible describes the holy boat parade?

Supporters of Grucci's VP pushed for area residents to avoid attending the parade on the Patchogue River.

The result?

Rather than the expected 1,500 person turnout, attendance dropped to around 1,000.

The religious outrage resulted in a parade lacking in firework prowess.

Hold on...I thought parades had nothing to do with religion?

Oh well, organizers said that the parade was still a success. Looks like a lot of CHRISTIAN folks missed out on all the fun.

...And they missed out on it all because Christians think that they own the holiday season.

(Hint to those who do not understand: There are Muslim, Jewish, AND Christian Holidays at this time of the year... oh yah, and don't forget Kwanzaa)


Where's the Outrage Now?!?!

A Bomb threat in Vermont and Revolt Threats in California

FOX news has made it a point to only give homosexuals negative coverage. They have an agenda on this issue. Plain and simple.

Seriously, check this out...

Just one day after Vermont State Senator John Campbell declared that he would present a pro-same-sex marriage bill in an attempt to grant equal rights to homosexuals, he has already received a very serious threat.

The Senator received a phone call at the state government building from a woman who ominously threatened to blow up his house.

Where is FOXnews on this one!?!

FOX's online headlines and television pundits did not hesitate to report the "violence" that took place during the incredibly peaceful same-sex civil rights rallies that took place across the entire nation.

This "violence" they reported on equated to one woman walking into the middle of a big, but peaceful, protest with a rather large styrofoam cross. She entered the crowd by herself and started preaching to them carrying her cross.

The violence?

Someone took her fake cross from her hands and stepped on it on the ground. They did not harm a hair on her body. And anyone who has ever been to a protest KNOWS that this was a tame response considering her actions and her decision to walk alone into the middle of the crowd.

The other story Fox covered: A radical group called "Bash Back," which has no connection to the mainstream equal rights movement's methods or mentality, entered a church during mass with banners and fliers. Some of them kissed right in front of the priest.

So apparently those things were newsworthy to FOX, but not a bomb threat against a Senator.


Randy Thomasson, who is president of the Campaign for Children and Families has essentially threatened the California Supreme court because it is hearing 3 cases in regard to Proposition 8 and will, most likely, declare same-sex marriage bans to be unconstitutional.

(As they already had because they understand constitutional law, unlike the vast majority of the general public)

Thomasson stated that the California Supreme Court is, “playing with fire by threatening to destroy the people’s vote on marriage.” And that “if the court disobeys the constitution by voiding Prop. 8, it will ignite a voter revolt.”

Incase anyone was wondering, here's what the court said when it legalized same-sex marriages in California:

The right to marry is among a set of basic human rights “so integral to an individual’s liberty and personal autonomy that they may not be eliminated or abrogated by the legislature or by the electorate through the statutory initiative process.”


A) FOX decided to not have any coverage of the gay rights protests that took place from Anchorage, Alaska, to Boston, Massachusetts on the day they happened. Not a peep.

B) I predicted that they wouldn't cover the rallies unless they could portray homosexuals in a negative way

C) I was correct

D) They are not covering this much larger story of a BOMB THREAT AGAINST VERMONT SENATOR JOHN CAMPBELL.

Conclusion: FOX News has an anti-homosexual agenda.

Thanks Rupert Murdoch!


Band of the Week

Hello faithful viewers....er readers, I'm gonna try something new here. Every week I'm going to pick a band and write a little review of their latest album. Good, Bad, Ugly, I'll review all of it. If you have any bands that you would like me to check out and write about I would love for you to send them my way.

Today's Band: Audrye Sessions.

I heard these guys for the first time at a showcase in New York. I had had a bit too much to drink and was more into the dancing than the music, but was fortunate enough to get another chance to see them play an acoustic set a few days later.

The voice on this guy is amazing and has definite remnants of Tom York mixed with Bob Dylan. In fact, that's almost how I would describe their music as a whole.

This band writes some amazing melodies with courageous vocals that aren't afraid to experiment in his range.

I recently picked up AS's E.P. and could not be happier with the production. The sound on the CD really captures the live feel of this band, truly portraying all of the energy they contain.

I would say that this is a must have for any music lover.

Songs to check out: Turn Me off
New Years Day

Special K's Rating out of 10: I give these guys an 8.5.

Surviving the "Holidays": An Atheist's Lament

I recently had a discussion with people about the so-called "Holiday Season" that we are already beginning to be inundated in.

As an atheist, I see Christmas as more evidence that many (NOTE: not all) religious people do not know what they truly believe, much less what they are doing, or how to THINK rationally about what they are saying and doing.

Christmas was supposed to be about the virgin birth of an alleged "Savior" who actually is "god," in human form coming to die for our sins, that we committed against him... so I guess he's apologizing to himself for our sins offending him (so it's already unbelievable).

Anyway.... we somehow get Santa, evergreen trees being cut down and pulled indoors, another plant hanging from the ceiling to prompt kissing, lights being put on the outside of houses, and ridiculous consumer overspending on items that usually aren't deemed to be "necessities."

The phrases like..."buy now and save" do not make any sense either. Think about it... "buy now and save"... or "don't buy it at all because you don't need it and save all of your money that you would have otherwise wasted."

Religious holidays do not make sense and neither do the commercials that accompany them... yet people gobble this crap up like its crack.

Christmas= Santa and overspending

Easter= candy, hiding eggs, and bunnies?

Semi-secular Thanksgiving (initially was thanking "God" for good harvests, even though the people had done all the work) = Parades, Football, Overeating, and of course, Black Friday (consumer mania, once again, usually for non-necessities).

So what's my point?

"WHY are YOU ATTACKING religion!?!?"

"Why can't you just let people be happy?"

"Why can't you just enjoy the holidays like everyone else?"

- Why? - Because its all made up, pointless, and frankly, it insults my intelligence.

I'm pointing out how none of this makes sense and how our country is filled with consumers rather than thinkers. Do people even know why they do what they do? Do people even have the capability to stop, think, and rationalize their holiday-related actions?

I wish they did.

Feel free to hate on me.


Prop. 8 To Be Overturned

As I had HOPED, the California Supreme Court has agreed to hear 3 cases challenging the recent passage of Proposition 8; a vote that overturned same-sex couples' marriage equality rights.

For those of you who do not know, before Prop. 8 was narrowly passed, the California court had already held that same-sex marriages must me allowed for, and legally recognized.

The 3 cases that the court has agreed to hear rightfully claim that the ban, which passed on election day, took away constitutionally guaranteed civil rights of a minority group.

Essentially the logic here is that the slim victory for those wishing to ban equal marriage rights does not hold water because: Majority vote does not equate to Constitutionality.

All three cases claim the measure takes away the civil rights of a vulnerable minority group.

Essentially, those bringing suit are rightfully stating that voters alone cannot enact such a ban because it is facially unconstitutional.

For those of you who do not know:

- The Court did not have to hear any of these cases.

- The Court chooses to hear cases that they deem to be important.

- The Court had already previously declared same-sex marriage bans to be unconstitutional.

MY LOGIC-BASED PREDICTION: The California Supreme Court will overturn Proposition 8, thus re-granting equal rights to same-sex couple's wishing to receive the same 1,200 rights enjoyed by persons who are heterosexual. Rights that come with the contractually based agreement that is called marriage (figure represents state and federal rights combined, varies slightly by state).

Religious people claim that they MUST ban same-sex marriage, but they cannot give any valid reasons as to why this should be.

I will give a reader $100 if they can present to me a constitutionally sound, logic-based argument for banning same-sex marriage.

Hint: There isn't one.


Are you a Mainstream Media Whore?

Sad, but true, is this you?


This Infuriates Me....

Sean Hannity is right when he says "Journalism is Dead" after this election...

FoxNews is considered the only "bias" news source to the general public...ha

Watch the entire video if you can before your blood boils.....I realize that they probably wouldn't have changed their votes if they knew the answers or that it was a "random" sampling of people. But the broad spectrum of questions makes you wonder why they know the answers to certain, relatively less important, petty questions versus the more important ones.

Reminds me of religion....blindly following a movement to feel better about themselves....the word is change instead of god....I honestly see no difference...



OH Really O'Reilly?



SO...Unfortunately Bill O'Reilly is another person who A) Doesn't know anything about the U.S. Constitution or Supreme Court precedent and B) Has never read the bible.

This was all made apparent in this video. Watch the video, then read Wayne Bessen's article which is directly below:

Response by Wayne Bessen of TruthWinsOut.org, since O'Reilly didn't let him talk:

Last night, I was on FOX’s O’Reilly Factor to discuss my column on race and Prop. 8. I was on with Jasmyne Cannick who wrote a shameful article in the LA Times.

I felt the lead into the show was unfair. It looked as if gay people were hooligans and troublemakers. In reality, the protests across the nation have been peaceful. The show also said there were only 1,000 protesters in New York. I was there and there were more then 10,000.

What people like O’Reilly and others don’t seem to understand is that we deserve to be angry. After all, a majority actually voted away our marriages - as if our nation’s laws are a product of mob rule, with no rights for minorities. Do they expect us to be all smiles? Do they understand the gravity and gall of what they have done? How would they react if their marriages had been endlessly debated, lied about and then voted away? There would likely be hell to pay and riots in the streets if straight people, or a particular faith, had their loving marriages destroyed by majority vote.

As far as Ms. Cannick? Her appearance speaks for itself, as do her radical ideas, such as white people should not eat soulfood or win awards at all black colleges. If you are for pitting people against each other and dividing people by race - then you probably love her. If you are a person who believes in equality for all and judging people by the content of their character, you probably were not a big fan of Ms. Cannick. Her main problem is that she offers copius criticism, but never offers real solutions.

There is a also a disturbing trend where the right wing groups and media distort what is going on at these protests. It is really vile how these professed Christians so easily lie in the name of the Lord. It’s as if they have no dignity, no shame, no scruples, no morals, and no decency - even as they prattle on about their superior values. They are dreadful “witnesses” for their religon. For every political battle they win, they turn off millions of people. In this sense, the Prop 8 battle was an enormous defeat for anti-gay religious groups.

This is a battle we are going to win if we harness the energy at these rallies into tangible action. I can assure you that truth will win out. I look forward to working with the people I have met across this nation to have an impact and make a difference. Hang in there. Victory is closer than many of us imagine.

Once again, that was an article by Wayne Bessen of TruthWinsOut.org


FOX News: Not Covering Nation-wide Protests

Since I make it a point to get my news from several sources every day it became apparent that FOXnews.com has not written a single story about the nation-wide gay rights protests that have been taking place today.

Not one peep as of 4:39pm (CST).

Additionally, I decided to review the few articles they have chosen to write regarding the issue of same-sex marriage and the current civil rights movement in this country.

The majority of articles have been negative toward homosexuals. I would go so far as to say that some of their headings have been misleading and biased as well.

Anyone who knows anything about journalism KNOWS FOR A FACT that today's events meet all of the criteria for front page news, this issue and these events are HUGE...

and yet FOX news refuses to report on it.

If anything does pop up today on their website there's a good chance it will be negative in tone.

At least, that's the trend I am seeing.

So if anyone from FOXnews is reading this: Thank you for showing your ability to be a biased and crappy news source today.


Healthy (Flavored) Cigarettes: Who'da Thunk it?

So nearly two years ago electronic cigarettes were introduced into Asian markets... they have finally made it to the U.S.

The concept is that if you like smoking but don't want the cancerous/bad health issues that come along with it... why not smoke something that can come in multiple flavors and is healthier?

You can choose your flavor from:
Original Tobacco
Smooth Hickory
Chocolate Almond Decadence
Tennessee Cured
Vanilla Ice Cream
Arctic Mint
Wild Cherry
Peach Cobbler
Sweet Strawberry
Mint Chocolate Madness
or you can get an assorted pack for $20

You can choose the nicotine levels from:

No Nicotine

***Hint this is a healthy way to quit smoking, if that is indeed your goal***


The cost?

$50-$60 plus shipping.

I got mine 2 days ago. It's pretty awesome :)

They come in many styles. Here's a short video:


Now that the election is over I'm back to my atheist elightenments....

I'm not sure if it's the way he words it, or if it's the accent.....but Christopher Hitchens is the man....

Clips from high points in a debate with Dines D'Souza

Roman Catholic bishop's vs. Obama & U.S. Constitution

As FOXnews.com has reported this morning, the nation's group of Roman Catholic bishops "vowed" yesterday to "forcefully confront the Obama administration over its support for abortion rights, saying the church and religious freedom could be under attack in the new presidential administration."

Once again, religious people, THIS TIME THE HIGHER-UPS, have clearly demonstrated that they do not understand the U.S. Constitution or how the U.S. government must function in relation to that constitution.

(Note: This is not to say that all religious people are ignorant of the law of our land)

Specifically, these bishops have displayed their misunderstanding, willful or otherwise, of the First Amendment's right to freedom of religion.

1 minute crash course:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" ...

...Means that the government cannot endorse one religion or make laws for religious reasons (as the Supreme Court has made abundantly clear with its "Lemon test" from Lemon v. Kurtzman and its "Endorsement test," from Sandra Day O'Connor in the majority opinion in Lynch v. Donnelly):

(Lemon Test)
  1. The government's action must have a secular legislative purpose;
  2. The government's action must not have the primary effect of either advancing or inhibiting religion;
  3. The government's action must not result in an "excessive government entanglement" with religion.
If any of these 3 prongs are violated, the government's action is deemed unconstitutional under the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.

So... can we really blame the bishops' followers if they are wrongly educated every Sunday on what our Constitution says and how it works in our system?

To a fairly large extent, yes. People need to start reading books and educating themselves so they can start questioning what they are told rather than regurgitating falsehoods.

The FOXnews article states that, "In an impassioned discussion on Catholics in public life, several bishops said they would accept no compromise on abortion policy" [emphasis added].

They're S.O.L. and they don't even know it.


The Church would need to start trying to use SCIENCE and valid secular arguments to even try to begin the long process of overturning Roe v. Wade.

We could also delve into Roe v. Wade and the establishment of the right to privacy, but there truly is no reason to. If you do not understand what I posted here, there isn't much hope for you.


Olbermann: Nails It

Sometimes, when logic fails to sway and ignorance of the law stands in the way... emotional appeal is all that is left, and Keith Olbermann may have just done this the best...

He's a polarizing figure. He's MSNBC's O'Reilly or Hannity. You might not always agree with him, but this one was worth a listen ALL THE WAY THROUGH.



A Few Issues Today

Issue #1
FOX news somehow managed to get the first exclusive interview with Sarah Palin since the McCain-Palin ticket lost on November 4th.

Is this really a shock to anyone?

FOX is probably one of the few news organization on televisions willing to toss her softballs.


Because they are very much so right-leaning. This is not to say that many news organizations aren't left-leaning (MSNBC for one).

So, is she making the right call going on Fox for her first interview after the election?

Yes if she wants an easy interview.
No if she thinks she's going to change people's minds on her.

Issue #2
Barack Obama: Is he going to be radical with numerous sweeping changes, thus turning us into a socialist country as right-wing critics say???

Is he not going to get much done and basically be full of empty promises...as right-wing critics are also saying.

Can't have it both ways people!

Issue # 3
Right now a poll on CNN.com:

Do you think that gay marriage is a civil rights issue?
Yes 49%
No 51%

I think that there needs to be a follow up question to this when people say "No":

WHY, do you think this is not a civil rights issue? I am curious what people think.



Wayne Bessen on Prop. 8

The following is an email that I received from a gay rights activist named Wayne Bessen who is a figurehead of TruthWinsOut.org.

Nov 7, 2008 - I can understand why white gay people are angry. I certainly am. But, let's take a step back and look at this dispassionately.

I believe our failure with the African American vote (70% voted in favor of Prop. 8) has more to do with education levels than race.

In general, people with lower levels of education - of any race - do not vote for gay rights.

White people are twice as likely to graduate college as black people. This accounts for the difference by race on Prop. 8.

Think of it this way. 57 percent of white people with a college education voted No on Prop. 8. Yet, 58 percent of white people with no college voted yes on 8. In other words, uneducated urban black people vote very much like uneducated rural white people.

Uneducated people - black, white and Hispanic - often derive their power from physical strength. They perceive being gay as weak and antithetical to real manhood. By voicing support for gay rights, they lose status and often fear rivals may perceive them as gay.

The easiest way to gain status is dissing faggots. I see this attitude all the time in Brooklyn - in the gym and on the basketball court, where I often play. (Not the best sample, I realize this)

Meanwhile, educated people of all races gain power by outsmarting opponents - not beating them up. This creates a safe space to support gay rights and not lose social status. (Unfortunately, the fact that the conservative black church is a central organizing point for politics makes even educated blacks less likely to vote for gay rights. But, this is secondary to education levels.)

It is understandable that black support for anti-gay efforts drives white gay people nuts. It is difficult to understand how people affected by bigotry can promote bigotry - as if they are selfish people who learned all the wrong lessons from the civil rights movement.

But, remember, uneducated people - of all races - are not students of history. They react to the environment around them, which often rewards homophobia.

(Compounding this perception problem is that the vast majority of overt homophobia experienced by urban gays comes from black people. In places like New York City, you almost never hear a white person say "faggot". But, we hear this from uneducated blacks too often. This makes the problem seem worse than it is. We often forget that we moved to places like New York to escape uneducated whites in rural areas that were just as openly homophobic. In other words - it is about education - not race.)

A few of possible solutions to ponder:

1) We must air public service announcements with people like former basketball star Charles Barkley - who is a tough guy and supporter of same-sex marriage. We must show masculine African American figures who are supportive, every chance we get.

Obama is also a huge help, because he is inclusive and is the ultimate example of power though academic success. His leadership will improve our fate.

2) We must work to raise the education levels of all Americans - which will lead to less homophobia of all races.

The fact that we have so many African Americans in prison - and not graduating is a legacy of racism and a national disgrace. This must change.

3) We must also have substantive discussion with the African American community - as many GLBT leaders have suggested. But, until we raise education levels, there is only so much we can do to win support of urban blacks - or rural whites.

In other words, scholarships for urban blacks and rural whites are as effective as spending money on education specifically about gay rights. Keep this in mind.

4) While I recognize that there are many supportive pro-gay black churches, as long as this is the central organizing place for black politics, this is not helpful for gay rights. Alternative organizing places for aspiring black leaders must be strengthened.


Religion & Ignorance Go Hand-in-Hand to Ban Same-sex Marriage

* I re-wrote this and added a video at the end, I was angry before, I think this better represents my feelings now*

California - The California Supreme Court's ruling in favor of Equality in Marriage is overturned by the religious, the less educated, and the right-wing.

As the exit polls are showing:

The Less educated-
People with only a high school, or some college education voted to ban same-sex marriage.

The More Educated-
Those with a college degree or postgraduate degree voted with the California State Supreme Court to keep same-sex marriage equality.

Those who declared themselves to be followers of a religion voted overwhelmingly in favor of the ban.

Those who declared no religious affiliation voted 91% in favor of equality.

Those who attended church weekly voted 82% in favor of banning equal marriage rights.

Those who never attend church voted 85% in favor of equality.

White Evangelicals and "Born Again" voted 80% in favor of a ban.

People in Urban areas voted against the ban.
Those in Rural areas voted for the ban.

Presidential Supporters-
McCain supporters voted 82% in favor of the ban. John McCain favored state by state bans, as he even appeared in a state advertisement before.
Obama supporters voted 68% against the ban.

Arizona and Florida voted the same way with very similar exit poll results.

So if you haven't gathered it yet:
The less educated, the religious, and the right-wing have decided that I am not an equal person - deserving of equal rights (marriage comes with about 1,200 rights depending on the state you live in)- RIGHTS that are supposed to be guaranteed under the United States Constitution as confirmed by the California Supreme Court.

Did you know that you can get married by walking into City Hall and signing papers, nothing religious required? It's 100% true.

Did you know that the government cannot make a law based on a religous view unless it serves a substantial government interest? This is also 100% true!

Anyone who understands constitutional law... (like say... The CALIFORNIA SUPREME COURT)... knows that this ban on same-sex marriages is unconstitutional.

I challenge anyone to provide a legitimate reason as to why the government would ban same-sex marriages. Legally speaking it cannot be based on a religious reason.

Hint: There isn't one!

If anyone ever wondered why I dislike religion and ignorance of the law THIS is just one of the many reasons.

In California the less educated, closed-minded religious people (note that I didn't say all religious people are closed-minded) who live sectioned off and away from the vast majority of (open) homosexuals and the diverse people in the cities... for some reason... think that they are allowed to judge, run, and ruin people's lives.

Thousands of same-sex couples are now suddenly no longer legally recognized as equals in California.

Those who voted for Proposition 8 were religious, less educated, and living in their made-up dream world where homosexuals aren't people, but sinners. They worship a god whose existence they cannot even prove.

If these people cannot even tolerate, much less accept me, why should I tolerate them? Why can't they just leave homosexuals alone?

At first I felt defeated today. I will admit that I even cried. But I'm not going to give up. And maybe because I refuse to give up, someday, I will be treated as an equal human being in the eyes of the law.

I do not need your acceptance, I just want the equality guaranteed to me under the United States Constitution.



Electoral College Votes: State by State Results


States Going for Barack Obama (electoral points, 271 needed to win)

Maine: 4
Vermont: 3
Massachusettes: 12
Connecticut: 7
District of Columbia: 3
New Jersey: 15
Delaware: 3
Rhode Island: 4
Maryland: 10
Illinois: 21
New York: 31
New Hampshire: 4
Pennsylvania: 21
Michigan: 17
Wisconsin: 10
Minnesota: 10
Ohio: 20
New Mexico: 5
Iowa: 7
Virginia: 13
California: 55
Washington: 11
Oregon: 7
Colorado: 9
Florida: 27
Nevada: 5
North Carolina: 15
Indiana: 11
Hawaii: 4

Total: 364 (WINNER)

States Going For John McCain

South Carolina: 8
Kentucky: 8
Tenesee: 11
Oklahoma: 7
North Dakota: 3
Wyoming: 3
Alabama: 9
Georgia: 15
West Virginia: 5
Texas: 34
Louisiana: 9
Mississippi: 6
Kansas: 6
Arkansas: 6
Wyoming: 3
Utah: 5
Nebraska: 5
South Dakota: 3
Idaho: 4
Arizona: 10
Missouri: 11
Alaska: 3
Montana: 3

Total: 174


California will ban same-sex marriages

Florida will ban same-sex marriage

Arizona will ban same-sex marriage

Arkansas will ban same-sex adoption

Colorado will not be in favor of saying that life begins at conception

Arizona will not hire illegal immigrants

Michigan will allow medical marijuana (still illegal on Federal level)

Massachusetts decriminalized possession of small amounts of marijuana leaving those caught with less than an ounce being fined $100 and nothing being done to their record.

Michigan will allow for stem cell research

Nebraska will end Affirmative Action

Colorado is a toss-up still as to whether or not it will end Affirmative Action

Washington will allow for doctor assisted suicide

Congressional Elections:
- Democrats have 56 seats in the Senate to 40, which equates to a majority, but not a filibuster breaking majority (60 needed) with 4 more races still to be decided.

251 to 173 in favor of Democrats


So far African Americans vote 96% for Barack Obama
People making over $200,000 supported Barack Obama by over 51%