Whether you think global warming is real or not.
This is a pretty cool website and the fact that something is happening world-wide is kinda cool.
Why I Choose Obama over McCain and Hillary.
I looked at everything on an issue by issue basis and assigned point values to each issue. Then I went through each issue one at a time. Each candidate received more points closer to the maximum alotted for each issue the closer their political views came to mine.
Many of you might be surprised as I used to be hardcore right-wing conservative. This has changed over time as I have had a falling out with my previously held beliefs. I am now pretty close to the middle of the road (which does not mean that I do not have strong opinions, just that I do not agree with either side in many situations) Why have my values changed?
- I have been living in a city (Milwaukee), and I see many societal problems first hand (even had a gun waived in my face at a stoplight...)
- I realized I had been lied to most of my life.
- I'm no longer afraid of the deity who many refer to as "God."
- I now see that everything is not as "black and white" as many people have led me to believe as I grew up.
- I started to think for myself, with logic, and through personal life experience.
Does this mean that I think that Republicans have it wrong? NO.
Does this mean that I think that Democrats have it wrong? NO.
Essentially, nobody ever has it all correct all of the time, including myself.
No matter what your political views are, even if you hate CNN (what some call the Communist News Network), CNN has a webpage that has every issue and each candidates position/stance. They include quotes, references, and actual video footage of speeches on almost all of the issues.
If you still haven't made up your mind, OR EVEN IF YOU HAVE..... I HIGHLY recommend that you go to THIS LINK and read over each issue, weigh them out in whatever fashion you deem appropriate, and go from there.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not be a one issue voter, or even worse, an uninformed voter.
Do not vote for someone because your parents tell you to.
Do not vote for someone because your priest tells you to.
Vote for someone because you are confident that they are most closely aligned with your beliefs.
Vote for them because you think it will benefit yourself and the country the most.
I feel like your mom, but I'm being serious here.
Sad Sad Ignorance....
What's the difference between these parents who neglect treatment and pray for the child or the parents to neglect their children because they were too busy playing video games? I know the latter has been severely criticized by the media (as it should), but the praying parents are treated like its an unfortunate incident.
In my eyes there is no difference. If the parents are aware of a possible treatment (that is necessary for survival) but chose not to undertake it, regardless of their other intentions, such as prayer or straight neglect, they should be treated as if they were responsible for the death of their child. It's one of those so-called "inconveniences" of becoming a parent. Deal with it.
I can't stand ignorance of science and medicine....esp if the reason is religion....
Girl Dies After Parents Pray for Healing Instead of Seeking Medical Help
WESTON, Wis. — An 11-year-old girl died after her parents prayed for healing rather than seek medical help for a treatable form of diabetes, police said Tuesday.
Everest Metro Police Chief Dan Vergin said Madeline Neumann died Sunday.
"She got sicker and sicker until she was dead," he said.
Vergin said an autopsy determined the girl died from diabetic ketoacidosis, an ailment that left her with too little insulin in her body, and she had probably been ill for about 30 days, suffering symptoms like nausea, vomiting, excessive thirst, loss of appetite and weakness.
The girl's parents, Dale and Leilani Neumann, attributed the death to "apparently they didn't have enough faith," the police chief said.
They believed the key to healing "was it was better to keep praying. Call more people to help pray," he said.
The mother believes the girl could still be resurrected, the police chief said.
Telephone messages left at the Neumann home by The Associated Press were not immediately returned.
The family does not attend an organized church or participate in an organized religion, Vergin said. "They have a little Bible study of a few people."
The parents told investigators their daughter last saw a doctor when she was 3 to get some shots, Vergin said. The girl had attended public school during the first semester but didn't return for the second semester.
Officers went to the home after one of the girl's relatives in California called police to check on her, Vergin said. She was taken to a hospital where she was pronounced dead.
The relative was fearful the girl was "extremely ill, dire," Vergin said.
The girl has three siblings, ranging in age from 13 to 16, the police chief said.
"They are still in the home," he said. "There is no reason to remove them. There is no abuse or signs of abuse that we can see."
The girl's death remains under investigation and the findings will be forwarded to the district attorney to review for possible charges, the chief said.
The family operates a coffee shop in Weston, which is a suburb of Wausau, Vergin said.
Taken from hereP.S. How close is this to you folks in Wisconsin?
Seems like they're both messing up.......I mean they are Demon-crats
Imagine if McCain had said something about a "typical black person".....The Crazy Rev. Al Sharpton would be having a heart attack....
Hillary Clinton: Cannot Tell Whether or Not Snipers are Shooting at Her...
Real Story Highlights from CNN.com:
- Sen. Hillary Clinton has twice during her campaign talked about her dangerous arrival in Bosnia in 1996 under sniper fire
- Actual video footage of arrival shows Clinton and her daughter walking calmly from the plane
- Clinton uses the story in an effort to depict her foreign policy experience
- Obama campaign says Clinton has "exaggerated her role" in foreign policy

The lie is blatant as I am certain one could tell whether or not they were being shot at.
Both Sinbad and Sheryl Crowe were on that flight (no joke), and neither of them complained about gunshots...
This Should Link to the video
Missouri Residence Nervously Watch Levee
The Meramec river is expected to crest at 40 feet today, which is 24 feet above the flood stage and just three feet from the top of the levee.

(Detrieche clutching a puppy and staring at levee)
The vast majority of the townsfolk stood and watched the waters rise as Corey fled for safety...
Current David Status
"Making your mark on the world for now may come as a team player. Achievement, ambition and authority are motivating factors in your decision-making process. Professionally, you will find yourself organizing and administering to people often. Your favorite scenario, from a professional stance however, is what happens when groups are gathered to accomplish, perform or change ideas, laws or life-styles. You like your life best when you are involved in group goals and you have a lot to offer; whether it is in the work place or the hobby club. Stay aware of the urges that motivate you. Carry your enthusiasm in the professional world, to your private world. A hobby club can be of benefit to the less fortunate. This evening you enjoy something unusual. "
I think horoscopes are generic and pointless... So if you are a Capricorn like I am... That's a post for you to mull over and disregard.
Here's how I actually feel (1-10 scale)
Happiness: 8/10
I suppose this would include everything that is rated below, and then some...
Money: 3/10
I work about 30hrs a week and only make a little over $200
My dad can potentially make less than me depending on commission
My mom is making less than she used to because she hasn't been healthy since September... a.k.a. can't go in to work.
Health: 6/10
I've been sick on and off for about 4 months.
Love: 10/10
Okay so it might not be "love" yet... but I haven't been this happy since... well ever.
Creativity: 7/10
I'm crazy, so I always have crazy thoughts.... crazy = crafty = creative???
Does now.
Energy: 5/10
I have to work 10 hours today... starting at 8am and finishing the 2nd job at 10:30pm
So averaging everthing together would not actually equal 8/10, but the current relationship with Kyle is making me that happy.
The End.
Irish Quarters (basically gets you incredibly drunk)
Irish Quarters is a very simple and sexy, and it’s purely that: a “Drinking” game.
This game has one purpose: get drunk.
All you need is a Quarter, a cup, and lots and lots of beer (or an Irish themed mixer). Y
You can get drunk with as many people as you want. Don't drink alone unless entirely necessary.
Rules: Fill the cup as much as you think you want to drink, then spin the quarter (trying to keep it going for a long time), chug the beer in the cup as fast as you can.
Fill the cup back up (you can fill it as much as you want for the next person to drink), but you must grab the quarter before it stops spinning
If successful in chugging and refilling the cup, before the quarter stops spinning then you can pass on to the next player. If you didn’t get all the tasks accomplished and the quarter stopped then you must try again until you are successful, or until you can’t walk.
You can flick the quarter to keep it spinning
You can also choose who to pass the game on to if there is a large group of players and you want to get one of them really drunk... otherwise just go clockwise.
Irish Roulette (once again... incredibly drunk)
1) Everyone starts off by pouring a shot for themself.
2) All players count to 3 (in your favourite foreign language) and then roll their own die, the player with the lowest number has to take their shot.
3) If two or more players have the same number rolled AND they are both the lowest number rolled then those players must yell "Shotgun" (or pick your favourite word/Irish phrase/swear)- the last player to yell the word/phrase/swear has to take the shot.
4) "Accidental Shotgun" = In the event that a person has rolled the same number as someone else but it IS NOT the lowest number rolled by all players but they stupidly yell out "Shotgun" then that person (or persons if more than one person makes the mistake) AND the person who rolls the lowest number all have to take a shot.(Example, 3 people playing - 2 people roll 5's and the other rolls a 3 and one of the people who rolled 5 yells shotgun, that person plus the person who rolled 3 must take a shot)
5) On round 5 (AKA The Death Round) you go 1 person at a time, whoever's turn it is has to say ODD or EVEN, if they roll the opposite of what they called then they take their shot.
Depending on how many people you have, you can decide on the number of rounds...Most people decide to take a shot on the last round regardless, in fact, I'd make it mandatory...
Obama's "Spiritual Advisor"......genius? insane? Obama's downfall?.....
Barack Obama’s longtime pastor once questioned America’s role in the spread of the AIDS virus and suggested that the United States bore some responsibility for the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
Confronted with the content of some of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr.’s sermons, parts of which have been aired this week on FOX News, the Obama campaign continues to pull away from the pastor’s rhetoric, but is stopping short of a full repudiation.
Wright has retired as leader of Trinity United Church in Chicago; he delivered his last sermon there in February. Obama has attended the church for 20 years and calls Wright his spiritual adviser.
Wright’s supporters say his Afro-centric sermons accurately portray black America and contend his sermons are widely studied by theologians. But critics are now calling attention to some of his words from the pulpit.
In DVD copies of his sermons available for purchase, Wright can be seen questioning America’s role in the spreading of the HIV virus that leads to AIDS. In another speech, made in the days after 9/11, he suggested that American foreign policy invited the terror attacks.
“We bombed Hiroshima. We bombed Nagasaki. And we nuked far more than the thousands in New York and the Pentagon and we never batted an eye,” Wright said.
“We have supported state terrorism against the Palestinians and black South Africans, and now we are indignant because of stuff we have done overseas is now brought back into our own backyard. America is chickens coming home to roost.”
The pastor also said: “The government lied about inventing the HIV virus as a means of genocide against people of color. The government lied.”
Late Thursday, the Obama campaign said it has distanced itself from certain comments made by the pastor. But it did not fully repudiate Wright himself — as some critics have called for.
“Senator Obama has said before that he profoundly disagrees with some of the statements and positions of Reverend Wright, who has preached his last sermon as pastor at the church,” Obama campaign spokesman Bill Burton said. “Senator Obama deplores divisive statements whether they come from his supporters, the supporters of his opponent, talk radio, or anywhere else.”
Last year, Obama rescinded an invitation to Wright to deliver the invocation at his presidential announcement. He also issued a statement saying personal attacks have no place in politics after Wright delivered an attack on Hillary Clinton and former President Bill Clinton.
But Obama’s longtime relationship with Wright is continuing to spark controversy.
“This is not just someone that Barack Obama has a casual relationship with,” said Tom Bevan, executive editor of RealClearPolitics.com. He noted that Wright married Barack and Michelle Obama, and Wright’s words were the inspiration for the title of Obama’s book, “The Audacity of Hope.”
“Barack Obama has not out and out distanced himself from all of these comments … ,” said Patricia Murphy, editor of CitizenJanePolitics.com. “It’s unclear if he rejects all of these statements. I would assume that he does, but I think he is going to be pushed where he needs to come out and fully explain his relationship with his pastor.”
Some of Wright’s statements have raised eyebrows at a time the Internal Revenue Service is scrutinizing tax-exempt religious organizations for alleged violations of rules barring them from participating in political campaigns.
Prior to his retirement last month, Wright delivered commentary from the pulpit in which he praised Obama, as well as remarks focusing on the racial divide between Obama and Clinton.
“There is a man here who can take this country in a new direction,” Wright said during his Jan. 13 sermon.
During a Christmas sermon, Wright tried to compare Obama’s upbringing to Jesus at the hands of the Romans.
“Barack knows what it means living in a country and a culture that is controlled by rich white people,” Wright said. “Hillary would never know that.
“Hillary ain’t never been called a nigger. Hillary has never had a people defined as a non-person.”
In a Jan. 13 sermon, Wright said:
“Hillary is married to Bill, and Bill has been good to us. No he ain’t! Bill did us, just like he did Monica Lewinsky. He was riding dirty.”
So far the Clinton campaign has been quiet over Wright’s comments.
Wright has declined interview requests from FOX News.
FOX News’ Jeff Goldblatt contributed to this report.
Taken from here.
Impersonator fools Real Madrid
Nicolas Cage look-alike gets star treament from club
Story taken from SI.com
MADRID, Spain (AP) -- A Nicolas Cage impersonator was treated like a star as he watched Real Madrid play AS Roma last week in Champions League match.
Paolo Calabresi, an Italian TV presenter, watched the match with Madrid president Ramon Calderon from his box at the Santiago Bernabeu stadium.
"The truth is I was a little scared they would find me out, but from the first moment everyone was friendly with me," Calabresi told Marca newspaper on Wednesday. "We knew there would be many repercussions. My phone won't stop ringing."
Videos posted on Spanish media Web sites showed Calabresi, whose English has an accent, being presented with a personalized Nicolas Cage team jersey from Calderon.
Calabresi also met and posed for photographs with Madrid forward Robinho.
The 43-year-old Rome native bears a resemblance to the actor, who won the best actor Oscar for Leaving Las Vegas in 1996.
He gained access by using the name of the same U.S. agency that had arranged a similar meeting for actor Sylvester Stallone at the Bernabeu last year.
Calabresi said the plan was originally initiated three years ago, when the two clubs last met.
Madrid lost the match 2-1 and was eliminated from the Champions League 4-2 on aggregate.
Copyright 2008 Associated Press.
Drugs Found in U.S. Drinking Water!!!

According to CNN.com, the following information has been found about our water supplies in the United States:
- There are pharmaceuticals in the drinking water of approximately 41 million Americans.
- The concentrations are not dangerously high.
- Yet they also mentioned that the "Low-level drug combinations are found to impact human cells and wildlife."
- A lot of bottlers, repackage tap water and do not typically treat the water or test it for drugs.
- Examples of some drugs that have been found in various cities include...antibiotics, anti-convulsants, mood stabilizers and sex hormones (last one is ironically in San Francisco).
For our readers who are from Wisconsin and Pennsylvania...
Milwaukee has high levels of continine.
Philadelphia has high levels of amoxicillin, azithromycin, carbamazepine, diclofenac, prednisone, and tetracycline.
Favre situation get weird....
POSTED 11:52 a.m. EST, March 4, 2008
As it turns out, that dark cloud in Wisconsin could quickly become a storm.
Brett Favre's agent, Bus Cook, has told the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel that Favre wanted to play another year, but that he felt like the Packers didn't want him.
"I know he wants to play one more year," Cook said. "I do not know much conversation there was and I don't think anyone forced him to make that decision. But I don't know that anyone tried to talk him out of it."
"I think he wanted to play," Cook said. " I think he's still got it. He knows he's still got it. I think he felt he could play one more year. I don't know if they told him they really wanted him to play. That's just the feeling I got."
Asked whether Favre could be talked into returning, Cook said, "I don't know."
Well, maybe the media speculation that the guy who brought Favre to Green Bay, former G.M. Ron Wolf, might be whispering to Bill Parcells about trying to get Favre to Miami is more accurate than we initially thought. Because if Favre wants to play another year and if it's not with the Packers, then maybe it will be elsewhere.
But if Favre doesn't play for the Packers in 2008, either because he's playing for someone else or not playing at all, we think that there could be an enormous backlash against the team. Specifically, G.M. Ted Thompson could find himself in the crosshairs of the fans' criticism.
Never mind the fact that Thompson has done an excellent job; the perception that he ran off Brett Favre could be the quickest ticket out of town for Thompson.
If, in the end, Thompson gets saddled with the brunt of the blame for Favre's departure, the pressure on Thompson to leave, too, will be tremendous. And, as a practical matter, it will put him on an incredibly short leash if the team falters in 2008.
Taken from www.profootballtalk.com
This is all I can find right now on tmj4.com
Foxsports.com: Favre Reportedly Retiring
Foxsports.com is reporting that Brett Favre has made his decision and he will retire----
Favre Family Says Brett Favre Will Retire
TODAY'S TMJ4 Sports Anchor Lance Allan received confirmation from Brett Favre's brother Scott that Brett Favre will retireBrett Favre May Be Retiring
sad day.