Random Thoughts / 70th post
So I've been hearing a lot about how people read this ridiculous blog that we (mostly Dave) started and am thinking that I should post more often to keep them entertained.....
Tonight I was watching a debate on MSNBC between the two candidates for the Democratic presidential nominee. I was not impressed. Instead, very angry. Well not truly angry, just extremely frustrated at their nonsense talk about things they can't possibly achieve in the White House if they do get there.
That along with Dumbo-eared Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary "recordings of my voice should be used in torture camps at Guantanamo Bay" Clinton was enough to drive me up a wall. Instead I walked out to my kitchen and made a smoothie. And all was well.
If you were wondering it was a strawberry/blueberry/banana smoothie....excellent after 3 hours of vball practice. This now my classic anti-Demon-crat* smoothie. I'll start selling them soon. Along with my anti-Hillary t-shirts if she gets the nomination. (pictures soon to come)
*Demon-crat -- my new word for anyone that is not part of the Republican party....thank you Sarah :)
Oh and I got some good news over break....I got accepted to University of Toledo for their doctorate program in chemistry.....I'm pretty pumped about that so now I know I have one possible destination after SFU....now I'm waiting on other schools...Syracuse, Duquesne, and Arcadia.....but I think I'd only take Syracuse over Toledo....but we'll see...I have to visit them all and figure out where I'll end up......I'll update on here.....
And I believe this is our 70th post and I'm not really tired yet, I have time to do something else....
something special about the number 70....since I have a math minor, I have an appreciation for numbers....sometimes....
- Roman numeral: LXX
- Factorization: 2 5 7
- Divisors: 1, 2, 5, 7, 10, 14, 35, 70
- Binary code: 1000110
- atomic number for ytterbium
- the old testament allots three score and ten (70 years) for a man's life
- USA Interstate 70 runs from Utah to Maryland
- In years of marriage, it is the platinum anniversary
- In Jewish tradition, there is a core of 70 nations and 70 world languages
Massive Power Outage Hits Florida, Old People

Incase you missed it, last week a widespread power outage hit an estimated 800,000 old people who have retired in Florida. From Miami to Jacksonville, and even as far north as Tampa, the effects are being seen on Florida's east coast and the inconvenience is clearly frustrating for the senior citizens.
Clinton Chastises Obama

Hillary Finds Obama's Stash O' Porn
In an blatant and desperate attempt to defame and discredit Democratic opponent Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton has claimed to have found "mountains and mountains O' Porn" under the Illinois Senator's bed.
Holding one magazine up for the news cameras and media to see, the New York junior Senator proclaimed that she would not let Obama "Get off this easily."
Clinton added that it was "simply not fair that she would spend years and years without resorting so such dirty, and underhand...or backhanded, tactics when Obama could simply reach under his kingsized bed and find the words of others and use them for his own personal benefit."
Then, ironically stealing her own words from a Mike Meyers film, a frigid Senator Clinton added that Obama appears to be a "cunning linguist only because he is a master debator."
"His ability to release sexual and emotional tension," she asserted, "only helps him to appear more flacid, loose, and relaxed when on the stage."

(Clinton holds up 'Hustler: The Girl Next
Door edition' as staffer covers erection
behind the former First Lady)
Obama fired back with a spray of words in a public address during which he said that Senator Clinton had, "used his 'literature' herself since she raided his bedroom."
The red-faced Illinois Senator added that "She was just trying to find something to help her loosen up the tension... As I said before, I really don't think this is too big of a deal, I mean, everyone does it,"
Clinton has argued that even though Obama can perform "rousing speeches, she has the stronger grasp of the issues and the knowledge of how to use the presidency without resorting to self-stimulation behind closed doors."
To conclude her press conference, Senator Clinton utilized the phrase, "masturbation is like procrastination, it might feel good at the time, but in the end you are only screwing yourself."
Castro Retires!!! & Voting Today in Wisconsin
HAVANA, Cuba (DFA) -- Fidel Castro mumbled an intoxicated declaration of resignation as "fucking president" of Cuba and "fucking commander" of Cuba's "fucking military" Tuesday, according to his minion-run newspaper, the Granma (We might have to sue them).
(Fidel utilized his timeless, "HEY! LOOK
OVER THERE!" joke today while being
interviewed in his boxers and military
issue combat shirt by reporters.)
Castro took power in Cuba in 1959 and vowed not to let go until he "sucked the life out of all of his people." Admittedly, Castro jested that he didn't get to completely dominate his citizens in "all the fun and imaginative ways" that he had originally drawn up.
Although there is a clear consensus among democratic nations that every election was rigged in Castro's favor, Fidel struck a pose and pointed out that it was his "sheer sexiness and natural charm" that kept him in office during a time span that the United States saw 10 presidents.
"It just goes to show that I am, like, at least 10 times sexier than those bastards!" Castro declared while handing his vodka-Redbull to a staffer in order to light a foot-long cigar.
Castro divulged his "god dammed retirement plans" without warning by publishing a gin-stained photocopied letter coupled with a photocopy of his "sexy ass" in the middle of the night via his slave-run newspaper, The Granma. (Yah, we are suing their paper).
Fidel will be replaced by his "younger, but not nearly as sexy brother" Raul.
REMINDER: VOTE TODAY IF YOU ARE IN WISCONSIN...or HAWAII... I don't care who you vote for, but if you care at all about your future, your life, your dog, the country, your biblical destiny, the price of gas, abortion, the price of abortions?, same-sex marriage, hamburgers, Iraq, Iran, iPod, iZod, illegal immigration, education, public masturbation, Kentucky Fried Chicken, underage women, conceal and carry, global warming, Inter-stellar heating, the economy, taxes, the proper use of axes, free trade, lemonade, Social Security, Homeland Security, Private Insecurities, stem cells, jail cells, wine sales, Health Care, thong underwear, the environment, sources of energy....
Just VOTE people...
Slavery in the Bible
It's a great book, I'm almost done with it, and I highly recommend it to anyone regardless of religious beliefs. You learn a lot about what is in the Old and New Testament. It's interesting, funny, and easy to read.
- You can beat your slave as hard as you want - as long as he survives a day or two post-beating (Exodus 21:21)
- But if you beat him with a rod and he dies immediately, you will be punished (Exodus 21:20)
- You also can't pluck out the slave's eye, or else you have to set him free. Likewise, you can't knock out his tooth, or you set him free. (Exodus 21:26-27)
- If the slave was born to the Hebrew race, then, regardless of his eye and tooth situation, he gets his freedom after six years. If he opts to refuse his freedom, you must put him against a doorpost and drill a hole in his ear with an awl (Exodus 21:6)
The more you read the Bible, the harder it is to believe that it was, in fact, "God-inspired."
auf wiedersehen,
The Insanity of Instant Messaging
TheVBplaya9 (2:19:42 PM): sick
TheVBplaya9 (2:19:48 PM): have fun on facebook
Crhsp0rts (2:19:52 PM): haha
Crhsp0rts (2:19:56 PM): true
TheVBplaya9 (2:20:07 PM): peace out trickmasterhineloco
Crhsp0rts (2:20:19 PM): later masterflydavidfresh
TheVBplaya9 (6:38:27 PM): yo
Crhsp0rts (6:38:45 PM): hye
Auto Response from TheVBplaya9 (6:38:45 PM): Homework (writing 4 poems)store to get toilet paper(it's becoming a dire situation)guitar/pianocall me/text me/touch me
TheVBplaya9 (6:39:16 PM): lets discuss how i love zach zellner
ATTENTION (6:39:27 PM): File Transfer session .
ATTENTION (6:39:29 PM): File Transfer session initiated.
ATTENTION (6:39:30 PM): Transfer complete: Optimus Prime.jpg.
ATTENTION (6:39:30 PM): File Transfer session disconnected.
Crhsp0rts (6:39:30 PM): haha
Crhsp0rts (6:39:47 PM): ahh i sent that to him
TheVBplaya9 (6:40:20 PM): yah
TheVBplaya9 (6:40:22 PM): love it
TheVBplaya9 (6:40:25 PM): and those other pictures
TheVBplaya9 (6:40:28 PM): omg
TheVBplaya9 (6:40:30 PM): wtf happened
TheVBplaya9 (6:40:32 PM): gay orgy?
Crhsp0rts (6:41:08 PM): when?
TheVBplaya9 (6:41:25 PM): look at the photos he posted on facebook
Crhsp0rts went away at 6:51:30 PM.
Auto Response from Crhsp0rts (7:28:13 PM): crushcrushcrush
TheVBplaya9 (6:51:52 PM): who's ur crushcrushcrushCWS?crushcrushcrushCWS?crushcrushcrushCWS?crushcrushcrushCWS?crushcrushcrushCWS?
Auto Response from Crhsp0rts (6:51:53 PM): crushcrushcrush
Crhsp0rts (6:52:17 PM): nah
Auto Response from TheVBplaya9 (6:52:17 PM): Homework (writing 4 poems)store to get toilet paper(it's becoming a dire situation)guitar/pianocall me/text me/touch me
TheVBplaya9 (6:52:46 PM): ...
TheVBplaya9 (6:52:48 PM): zach?
Crhsp0rts (6:53:02 PM): haha
Crhsp0rts (6:53:03 PM): no
TheVBplaya9 (6:54:33 PM): Hannah Montana?
Crhsp0rts (6:54:52 PM): she's too much for me
TheVBplaya9 (6:55:53 PM): Xena, you know, the Warror Princess
TheVBplaya9 (6:55:54 PM): ?
TheVBplaya9 (6:55:58 PM): Warrior*
Crhsp0rts (6:57:39 PM): not sure if that's a joke or if you're referring to a real person
Crhsp0rts (6:57:40 PM): ....
Crhsp0rts (6:57:41 PM): haha
TheVBplaya9 (6:58:00 PM): anything is possible at SFU
TheVBplaya9 (6:58:02 PM): sorry i forgot
TheVBplaya9 (6:58:05 PM): ummm it was a joke
TheVBplaya9 (6:58:09 PM): unless...
TheVBplaya9 (6:58:17 PM): (name deleted to save them from suicide)
Crhsp0rts (6:58:20 PM): hahahaha
TheVBplaya9 (7:02:27 PM): so crush crush crush on ....
TheVBplaya9 (7:02:33 PM): bible kid from your hallway
TheVBplaya9 (7:02:36 PM): ?
Crhsp0rts (7:02:51 PM): he moved out....unfortunately
Crhsp0rts (7:02:57 PM): so i get to make as much noise as i want
Crhsp0rts (7:03:02 PM): cuz noone lives next to me
Crhsp0rts (7:03:38 PM): i thought that was yench in those picutes you just put up
TheVBplaya9 (7:03:43 PM): so is that why you are crushed crushed crushed?
TheVBplaya9 (7:03:52 PM): haha
TheVBplaya9 (7:03:53 PM): ryan?
Crhsp0rts (7:03:59 PM): i guess, yea
Crhsp0rts (7:04:10 PM): but they're little in the news feed
Crhsp0rts (7:04:13 PM): so i couldn't tell
TheVBplaya9 (7:04:18 PM): he's one of my roomates
TheVBplaya9 (7:04:23 PM): its ryan and kevin
TheVBplaya9 (7:04:24 PM): and me
TheVBplaya9 (7:04:36 PM): and a snake that is roaming around unfound and hungry
TheVBplaya9 (7:04:42 PM): named Milton
TheVBplaya9 (7:04:47 PM): milton is a bastard
Crhsp0rts (7:05:20 PM): still haven't found him?
TheVBplaya9 (7:06:12 PM): nope
TheVBplaya9 (7:06:16 PM): he's sneaky
TheVBplaya9 (7:06:19 PM): sneaky like a....
TheVBplaya9 (7:06:20 PM): hmmm
TheVBplaya9 (7:06:24 PM): cant think of a word
TheVBplaya9 (7:06:25 PM): oh well
Crhsp0rts (7:06:32 PM): haha
Crhsp0rts (7:06:39 PM): i got what you were going for though....
TheVBplaya9 (7:07:19 PM): !
TheVBplaya9 (7:07:24 PM): you got a snake?
TheVBplaya9 (7:13:44 PM): do you have a crush on your snake?>
Crhsp0rts (7:14:03 PM): that's a given
TheVBplaya9 (7:14:17 PM): ah
TheVBplaya9 (7:14:27 PM): so, its about a different crush other than the snake that you have
TheVBplaya9 (7:14:28 PM): ?
Crhsp0rts (7:14:41 PM): haha yea
TheVBplaya9 (7:15:14 PM): hmmm
TheVBplaya9 (7:15:18 PM): HIllary Clinton?
Crhsp0rts (7:15:25 PM): how did you guess?!?!?!
TheVBplaya9 (7:16:12 PM): well opposites attract
TheVBplaya9 (7:16:38 PM): she's fairly masculine, has a fierce mustache, doesnt shave her genitals, and doesn't care when her husband cheats on her
Crhsp0rts (7:16:50 PM): hahaha
TheVBplaya9 (7:19:28 PM): can we just post our IM conversations to the blog
TheVBplaya9 (7:19:56 PM): only person who'd be upset is ... Xena
Crhsp0rts (7:20:10 PM): haha that might go over well
Crhsp0rts (7:20:24 PM): or we'll both get flagged by the CIA
Crhsp0rts (7:20:33 PM): either way i think it's a good thing
TheVBplaya9 (7:21:00 PM): we can just pull out names of real people who we dont want to offend
Crhsp0rts (7:21:15 PM): true
TheVBplaya9 (7:21:39 PM): well
TheVBplaya9 (7:21:40 PM): umm
TheVBplaya9 (7:21:41 PM): neat
TheVBplaya9 (7:23:25 PM): should i do this
Crhsp0rts (7:23:33 PM): go for it
Crhsp0rts (7:23:36 PM): connect four
TheVBplaya9 (7:28:12 PM): :)
Auto Response from Crhsp0rts (7:28:13 PM): crushcrushcrush
Woman Says Being Declared Dead Ruins Life
Woman Says Being Declared Dead Ruins Life
Laura Todd Says She's Been Dead On, Off Again For 8 Years
source: cnn.com2.12.2008
Diversity at SFU?
"Diversity at Saint Francis
Saint Francis University, inspired by its Catholic and Franciscan values is committed to diversity and an inclusive campus. At SFU, diversity is the full range of human difference and potential that manifests itself in individual members of the campus community. Included in this range are many differences – race, gender, ethnicity, age, culture, national origin, religious belief, physical ability, sexual orientation, socioeconomic class, lifestyle preference, political conviction and any other differences. Such campus diversity enriches the educational experience for students and contributes to a vibrant and high quality intellectual and cultural educational environment for all members of the SFU community."
I was particularly surprised about their inclusions of religious belief, sexual orientation, and political conviction. The school has been fairly closed-minded when it comes to all of these things.
Corey and I have seen first hand how your political views could limit access to club funding, allowed activities, inviting guest speakers, and the showings of movies.
Having exchanged a few emails with a particular Sister of the faith at Saint Francis, I know that they tend to look at homosexuality as an illness or sin that should be fixed or cured in some magical way.
In regard to religious beliefs, I wonder what they would do if someone started up an agnostic/atheist club on campus...
I'm not certain what they mean by "lifestyle preference," so I might shoot them an email to find out more.
Heck, I don't even go to SFU anymore and for some reason this makes me curious.
So tonight Kevin had booked a show for Ivory’s lead singer Nathaniel, and for Number One Fan.
Number One Fan hasn’t played as the band “Number One Fan” in about two years or more. It was their farewell tour.
They played at Roast coffee shop, about 5 blocks from our apartment. I got to the show about 45min. before it was supposed to start and Kevin and the lead singer of Number One Fan, Nick, were nowhere to be found.
I learned that they had gone to a music shop in the area to get a sustain pedal for the keyboard. For whatever reason they had forgotten theirs, so they went to buy a new one.
Jon, the drummer for Number One Fan, and the coolest kid ever, saw me before I saw him, and he gave me a hug. Nice guy.
I ended up working the door and taking admissions... apparently nobody was there to do it… I also gave out free Sony stuff for Kevin in his absence, and all the little indie/emo kids thought I was a god. Pretty fun.
Once Kevin and Nick got back, Nathaniel (Ivory) started playing his set with Jon on the drums… and that sustain pedal. Nick, Hugh, Mike (Wildbirds/Number One Fan/Robins/Whatever they wanna be called now), Kevin and myself all went to the basement of the coffee shop and drank and smoked amongst the boxes of coffee supplies, upside-down chairs, old tables, dangerously low ceiling pipes, and random basement litter while we listened to the sounds of Ivory gracefully dripping through the floorboards above and into our ears. (sexy)
We talked about what everyone’s plans were for the future. However, I cannot disclose that information for the band; that’s their story to tell.
After a few drinks and a few too many cigarettes, we went upstairs so they could play as Number One Fan for their last time in Milwaukee.
Jay and Gary arrived. Verrrry niiice.
We made an announcement for all the little indie/emo kids to come pay up for the show if they hadn’t. I think it was something like “come pay the tall blonde kid at the door-if you haven’t already-and he’ll give you free stuff.”
Then Number One Fan played some amazing audio nonsense that I hadn’t heard live for over two years. It was…Amazing, nostalgic, breathtaking, and a reminder that I’m not really a kid anymore.
I miss them. I miss what everyone my age and older misses: The unattainable chance to do it all over again. Make everything right. Fix every problem. Correct every mistake. But we do not live on the big screen. *CLICK*
After 9 songs, culminating with the glorious sounds of Jon’s out-of-this-world voice in“I Just Wanna Know” that was it.
Baba da baba da ba da…
The kid’s bought merch and shuffled out the door.
Kevin, Jay, and I helped to pack the bands equipment up in the van.
We decided to go to a bar on Brady Street.
The only true bad part of the night: I broke off Kevin’s spoiler as my hand slipped while trying to push his car out of the ridiculous amount of snow that STILL wasn’t plowed from the Milwaukee streets from the 15 plus inches we got the day before. (yah, I’m jacked).
I used MGMT (they are a band, check them out) shoe lace strings to tie it on for now.
We got to the bar. Kevin’s car got stuck, again. Two older women and myself pushed it out of the snow, and Kevin found a parking spot.
We went in… hung out with Nathaniel (Ivory) and all the former Number One Fan guys, minus Matt, who was not there tonight … L… and the newer addition to The Wildbirds (Hugh).
After some drinks, some shots, and some Lord of the Rings pinball, Kevin, Jon and I went to Oakland Gyros… delicious.
We talked about life, music, the band, religion, you name it, we talked about it. We were there for well over an hour.
We got back and hung out with Nathaniel some more. I bought him a jack and coke, and we all stayed until bar close.
Summary of the night: I love Kevin, Jon, and Nathaniel even more. They are just plain flat out nice guys.
This, along with the night Kevin and I had at Metro Station/Cobra Starship, were easily the best nights of this winter in Wisconsin.
I thought I would write this all down before I forgot it.
It was a night to be remembered...
Goodnight Neverland
David Allen Acker
Pascal's wager
Game theory is a concept in applied mathematics. Like any branch of mathematics, it throws around big sounding terms such as pay-off matrix and Nash equilibrium, but at its heart game theory is really very simple.
Game theory is about winning.
In any game where the rules are clearly defined, game theory can be used to try and find the best strategy. Take a classical game of chicken for example, where two drivers accelerate towards a head-on collision, the one who swerves being the chicken. A traditional pay-off matrix for chicken looks like this:
bob swerves | bob goes straight | |
fred swerves | tie | bob wins |
fred goes straight | fred wins | crash |
The matrix is fairly easy to understand; if both players swerve, the game is a tie. Neither player is the chicken and neither player dies. If both players stay the course, they both die - the worst possible outcome. If one player swerves, only their pride will be hurt, while the other gains the honour of winning.
So what is the best way of winning? If you don’t swerve you could die - so you’d better swerve. The other guy will be thinking that as well though, so if you don’t swerve they probably will. But wait - what if he is thinking the same thing! Then you will both die!
Analysing the game in this way, trying to work out the right decisions to achieve the best outcome - most people call this strategy. Mathematicians call it game theory.
Blaise Pascal was a French mathematician who was also very religious. He used game theory’s sibling, decision theory, to try and tell the world that belief in God is the right decision. This is now known as Pascal’s Wager.
The wager states that belief in God is the correct decision because the pay-off is infinite, while the punishment is infinitely painful. The pay-off matrix as proposed by Pascal would look like this:
no god | god exists | |
atheism | oblivion | hell |
christianity | oblivion | heaven |
It would seem Pascal is right. Time to throw away all my years of scepticism - praise be to God the almighty! I see the light! But wait, something tells me the matrix isn’t quite complete. That’s the problem with game theory (and decision theory): it can appear very authoritative until you realise that you haven’t accounted for all the variables.
Take my initial example of chicken. The analysis of the game looks complete, it looks like I have thought of every possible scenario. But what happens if both players swerve in the same direction. There’s a chance that if they both chicken out, they could actually swerve into each other and be killed. Taking this into consideration, the pay-off matrix now looks like this:
bob swerves left | bob swerves right | bob goes straight | |
fred swerves left | tie | crash | bob wins |
fred swerves right | crash | tie | bob wins |
fred goes straight | fred wins | fred wins | crash |
In the initial matrix, there was a 25% probability of winning and a 25% probability of crashing. In the new matrix there is only a 22% probability of winning and a 33% probability of crashing. Clearly it could lead to disaster if you base your decisions on the original matrix.
Pascal’s wager is equally flawed. For starters it doesn’t take other religions into account. Let’s add Islam:
no god | god exists | allah exists | |
atheism | oblivion | hell | hell |
christianity | oblivion | heaven | hell |
islam | oblivion | hell | heaven |
Or what about a God / Allah that doesn’t punish wrong choices in belief, and only judges based on how good you have been throughout your life?
no god | god exists | allah exists | |
good atheist | oblivion | heaven | heaven |
good christian | oblivion | heaven | heaven |
good muslim | oblivion | heaven | heaven |
bad atheist | oblivion | hell | hell |
bad christian | oblivion | hell | hell |
bad muslim | oblivion | hell | hell |
And what if God / Allah exists, but actively punishes belief? What if God / Allah wants us to think for ourselves?
no god | god exists | allah exists | |
atheism | oblivion | heaven | heaven |
christianity | oblivion | hell | hell |
islam | oblivion | hell | hell |
As you can see, decision theory isn’t very useful if you don’t know all the rules behind the game, and we know nothing of the rules behind the afterlife, or even whether it exists. This makes the wager an unconvincing argument.
Sorry Pascal, but I’m sticking with atheism.
Taken from: http://kinsman.is-a-geek.net/blog/index.php/2007/12/27/pascals-wager/
Follow Along People: Super Tuesday
The Vatican calls for more priests to be trained to perform exorcisms
Notice how you cannot "film an exorcism"... I'm gonna look into that.
Election 2008
Check out the latest polls here: http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/02/03/pollofpolls/index.html
If you haven't started looking into which candidate you will support, try taking this USA today poll. You can adjust for personal importance of issues, and afterwards, if you do the matrix view, you can read up on specific issues and the candidate's stances.
Tomorrow is a HUGE day in politics and for the country, pay attention people.
Patriots are cheaterfaces...
Information taken from: http://www.fannation.com/truth_and_rumors/nfl
New allegations have emerged about a Patriots employee taping the Rams' final walkthrough before Super Bowl XXXVI. According to a source, a member of the team's video department filmed the Rams' final walkthrough before that 2002 game. The next day, the Patriots upset St. Louis, 20-17, on a last-second field goal by Adam Vinatieri for their first championship. A walkthrough involves practicing plays at reduced speed without contact or pads. It is common for teams to film their own walkthroughs and practices. According to a source close to the team during the 2001 season, here's what happened. On Feb. 2, 2002, one day before the Patriots' Super Bowl game against heavily favored St. Louis in New Orleans, the Patriots visited the Superdome for their final walkthrough. After completing the walkthrough, they had their team picture taken and the Rams then took the field. According to the source, a member of the team's video staff stayed behind after attending the team's walkthrough and filmed St. Louis' walkthrough. At no point was he asked to identify himself or produce a press pass, the source said. The cameraman rode the media shuttle back to the hotel with news photographers when the Rams walkthrough was completed, the source said.