Hello Houston
Goodbye 2007...
Everyone have a safe and happy new year if anyone will be in a time zone east of the Eastern Standard Time let me know, I'll give you my phone number so you can call me after your midnight and before mine to let me know how 2008 is....
don't get too drunk.....love you bye.
Now playing: Evermore - Afloat
via FoxyTunes
Conspiracy Party
(If you do have time, look up and watch the movie zeitgeist on youtube or google video. you can just fast forward to the 9/11 part, it's probably 30 min. long)
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Letter to Glenn Beck
12/20/2007Alfons Olszewski US Army retired.
Co-founder of The Veterans for 9/11 Truth, member of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, and Pilots for 9/11 Truth.
Dear Mr. Glenn Beck,
9/11 Conspiracy Exposition is what the 9/11 Truth Movement is all about. Yet you in the media characterize the Truthers as conspiracy theorist, it is just a theory. Did you ever wonder why the truth movement is growing, and growing angry? Could it be because reasonable people have reason to believe that something is wrong? Let’s list some of the facts, these facts are incontrovertible. The list is not comprehensive and is only some of the “hard evidence” that exist and will not go away.
· The 9/11 Commission has said that testimony was obfuscated. They were lied to. CNN reports: A member of the 9/11 commission said Wednesday that panel members so distrusted ... testimony by DOD was knowingly false,"
· NORAD did not abide by FAA protocols as they had every time there was an Air Emergency for many years and many times prior to 9/11. 67 times in the previous 15 months.
· At the Pentagon something approached at an oblique angle and penetrated 6 walls creating a 12 ft, nearly perfectly round punch out hole in the 6th wall. The walls at the Pentagon were designed to resist penetration, yet a 757 flew right threw 6 of them. This is impossible. Then the FBI collected all the surveillance videos near by, and hide them from public view.
· At the WTC metal got hotter than it could possible get (over 1400 degrees C), and stayed hotter (up to 100 days) longer than it could possible stay that hot. Breaking the laws of thermodynamics.
· At the WTC the towers collapsed with at least no resistance at freefall, maybe even faster. Breaking the laws of physics.
· At the WTC 90% of the buildings contents were pulverized into a fine powder in about 10 seconds, which would require an expenditure of energy equal to a magnitude of 10 times more energy than was available. While very hot pyroclastic clouds expanded at 200 feet per second. The dust was hot enough to take the paint off of cars.
· Using microscopy and x-ray spectroscopy remnants of Thermate were discovered in the dust.
· Using empirical observation of videos, multiple squibs (high-energy explosions) can be seen, and molten metal can be seen pouring out of the building.
Mr. Beck, these are just some of the reasons the Truth movement is growing. The reason you could be in jeopardy is because aiding and abetting mass murderers who engaged in treason and that is treason. It is not the 9/11 Truthers who threaten you, it is the law, and the consequences of your behavior that threaten you. Mr. Beck all the Trutheres want is a decent through investigation, and if there is nothing to hide, then why not? The Truthers would like complete access to any and all of the evidence surrounding 9/11, including access to the plane parts of the alleged planes that crashed into the well known targets. The 9/11 Truthers would also like access to the courts in the form of a Grand Jury. If you and your comrades have nothing to hide, then why are you hiding so much? The 9/11 Truth movement is very friendly to freedom and very dangerous to those who would oppress, and suppress the Truth by means of propagandized deliberate obfuscations.
By means of Truth, we shall wage Peace.Alfons Olszewski
I Hope God Leaves a Comment...
Read each phrase. Read it slowly. Think about it before moving to the next sentence. If this makes you lose faith, or mad, or confused.... then good.
God exists.
God exists and doesn’t care what religion you follow, he loves everyone.
God exists and demands that you worship him or else after you die you will be punished forever
God exists and you must be X religion to be “saved”
God exists and you must be Christian or else you will not go to Heaven
God exists and you must be Muslim or you will not go to Heaven
God exists and the savior is still coming
God exists and the savior has already come
God exists but, you go to hell for being a bad person
God exists but you can go to heaven if you ask for forgiveness
God may or may not exist but we can at least play it safe by picking a religion
God may or may not exist, but if he/she/it does let’s hope you picked the right religion
God did exist at once but he moved on to better things… he is god after all, he can do what he wants
God is dead
god doesn’t exist
“god” is a historical idea made up by humans for comfort and reassuring “answers”
We created god, not the other way around
Where do you fit in? Leave a comment by clicking “comment” below.
Do You Agree With This?
What up?
Alright seriously, I was procrastinating last night and found a website that claimed to have all the answers. The link looked promising... so I clicked it.
After reading the website I decided it would be fun to contact them and ask them one simple question...
"Does everyone else go to hell?" (as in those who do not believe in Jesus, etc.)
Thank you for your email response to our website. From what the Bible says and so we have to believe it, there is only one Name under Heaven were men can be saved and that is through Jesus Christ. God is the judge and He will judge accordingly. It may seem harsh but the Bible does say that it is appointed for man to live once and then the judgment, so yes,we believe that those who do not have Jesus in the hearts and have gained forgiveness of sin do not go to Heaven.
Bart Bagwell
Winning the Lost and Training the FoundCenter for Evangelism and Discipleship-
Global University
1211 S Glenstone AvSpringfield MO 65804
USA800-443-1083 4
17-862-9533 Ext 2414
"Be doers of the Word and not hearers only" (James 1:22)
Looks like I'm screwed. What do you think, leave comments vvv
Who am I?
Where did I come from?
Why am I here?
Where am I going?
You are about to see and hear one of the most significant messages given to us from God...
So, incase some of you kids have already finished finals and finally felt like you had free time to freelaxmonster... here are some things to ponder:
How old are you before it can be said you died of old age? And what does that mean anyway?
What if life is just a dream and when you "die" you actually just wake up?
so...maybe that's why they say you cannot die in a dream, you always wake up...
If someone owns a piece of land, do they own it all the way to the center of the earth?
If there can be one "God" why would it be hard to believe that there aren't several "Gods"?
Why is it said that an alarm clock is going off when really its coming on?
How come people tell you not to stand in front of an emergency exit when if there was an emergency surely you would run through it?
Why don't people with amnesia forget how to do EVERYTHING they learned in life...walk, talk, etc. ?
In libraries, do they put the bible in the fiction or non-fiction section?
Why do you put two cents in when its only a penny for your thoughts?
You know the signs on restaurant doors? No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service? what if someone goes in with No Pants? Would the restaurant still have to serve them?
Why are the adjectives 'fast as' and 'slow as' often used in conjunction with hell, is hell slow or fast?
How's come people tell you to stay a kid for as long as you can. Yet the moment you do anything childish or immature they tell you to grow up?
Why does the Easter bunny carry eggs? Rabbits don't lay eggs.
When Atheists go to Court, they can't swear on the bible, can they?
Could someone be addicted to counseling? If so, how would you treat them?
Where do all the daylight savings hours go?
Why when people ask you "what three things would you bring with you on a desert island?" no one ever replies, "A BOAT." ?
If winnie the pooh was civilized enough to keep his honey in jars, why did he eat it off his hands? Surely he had spoons?
If mirrors need light to work, what happens if you put night vision goggles on in the dark and look at a mirror?
if you're on an American airline, and you land in Canada and stay on the plane, is the drinking age still 21 or does it change to 19?
What happens if every team in the NFL goes 8-8?
If you only have one eye...are you blinking or winking?
I want some answers, click on the comment link below vvv
Today was a good day...
<<Miami Dolphins wide receiver Greg Camarillo scores the winning touch down Sunday, Dec. 16, 2007, as the Dolphins defeat the Baltimore Ravens 22-16, for their first victory of the season. (AP Photo/J. Pat Carter)
The only thing that could have made today better in the NFL would be a Patriots loss, but we can't ask for everything right? The Dolphins won their first game of the season = awesome....too bad they didn't wait until next week vs. the Patriots.... Eagles won :) Steelers lost :) Green Bay won (I know Dave and most likely Kevin enjoy that) and Dallas lost making the possibility of home-field advantage for the Pack that much better.
One more thing since the Christmas season is in full swing.....
I'm still alive....
So since my camera has contracted some sort of STD from sleeping around with other non-compatible electronic devices it has been out of order for quite sometime. Sony should have a warning in the owner's manual of naughty camera behavior and potential prevention techniques. Anyway when I return to NEPA (North East Pennsylvania AKA most awesome place in the world and best area for pizza in the US according to USA Today) anyway, when I return there on Fri or Sat my camera will be clean again and I will be able to document the tragedy known as a PA winter. (Perfect timing since we're expecting 5-9 inches tomorrow.)
P.S. Acker man, I liked the religion post.....hopefully people read it with an open mind and don't take you as crazy....hopefully I'll have a good one soon over break.
P.P.S. Only one final to go.....Forensic Chemistry on Thurs. and I'm stuck here on the mountain until Fri or Sat. So you can guess what is happening on Thurs night.....prayer session.....jk unless god is in the form of ethanol (CH5OH) AKA alcohol for you non-science folk ;)
so be prepared for some serious photos this weekend and possible regret stories from thurs...

The Nasty Wisconsin Winter
Cars tend to get plowed in. Here, Ryan is about to spend 15 minutes freeing his car from near death.
I'm pretty famous around Milwaukee for winter hazard awareness...
Mall Shooting: Suicide Note
I just read about this mall shooting in Nebraska where a 19-year-old killed eight people. I just thought I would share the ridiculous letter he left, and then go ahead and say that I love all of my friends, and if you ever need to talk about anything, please call me or anybody before it ever gets to something like this:
Transcription of Hawkins' Suicide Note
1 hour ago
OMAHA, Neb. (AP) — The Omaha Police Department on Friday released a three-page suicide note left by Robert A. Hawkins, the 19-year-old who fatally shot eight people at an Omaha shopping mall before turning the gun on himself Wednesday.
The note is transcribed below, including misspellings but with expletives deleted:
I'm so sorry for what I've put you through I never meant to hurt all of you so much and I don't blame any one of you for disowning me I just can't be a burden to you and my friends any longer You are all better off without me. I'm so sorry for this.
I've just snapped I can't take this meaningless existence anymore I've been a constant disappointment and that trend would have only continued. just remember the good times we had together
I love you mommy
I love you dad
I love you Kira
I love you Valancia
I love you Cynthia
I love you Zach
I love you Cayla
I love you Mark (P.S. I'm really sorry)
To all of my friends I'm so sorry for what I've done to you and put you through. I've been a peice of (expletive) my entire life it seems this is my only option. I know everyone will remember me as some sort of monster but please understand that I just don't want to be a burden on the ones that I care for my entire life. I just want to take a few peices of (expletive) with me. I love all of you so much and I don't want anyone to miss me just think about how much better you are off without me to support. I want my friends to remember all the good times we had together. Just think tho I'm gonna be (expletive) famous. You guys have always been there for me I'm just sad that I'm gonna have to go this alone. You guys are the best friends anyone could ever ask for. That's all I have to say is that I (expletive) you guys.
P.S. I didn't eat that (expletive) sandwich or the toielet thing either!
my will
I'm giving my car back to my mom and my friends can have whatever else I leave behind
Signed (Hawkins' signature)
Social (his Social Security number)
Worst Winter: PA or WI
Get excited.
PA is going down.
So I am curious here.
You can leave responses by clicking "comment" on the bottom. I took these two posts from a homework assignment I had... enjoy, or not:
If "God" can do anything, then why did jesus have to be sent to suffer and die on the cross in order for Christians to be saved from hell and absolved of all of their sins?
If god can do anything, then why does he create a world with deadly storms, famine, war, etc. if he can prevent it all?Is this just a big game? Why make humans and then let them suffer?
This comes BEFORE the argument of "FREE WILL" because he/she/it never even had to put us in such a world to test us like this.
And when things like hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, genocides, wars, etc take place... why doesn't he step in?
Which one is it? God's will or free will?
Since we do not control the weather... and God made this earth, does that mean that these things are his will? or does it mean he just made this earth and was like.... okay... good luck.
Also, then what would be the point of prayer if we have free will? That would mean that god cannot intervene in our lives right?
Why would he pick and choose?
Look around the world, and if you aren't too self-absorbed you will see so much pain and horror. Tell me how there is a loving god?
A free will arguement will not suffice.
The overused and unintelligible lines, "God has a plan for everyone," "It was God's will," or any sort of claim to "Divine intervention" and/or oversight just don't cut it for me anymore and only negate the notion of free will.
So which one is it? God's will or free will?
Genocides, war, poverty, and suffering beyond belief; most of which are worse than I will personally ever know (I selfishly hope) are taking place across this planet. What happened to the Biblical God who, in the past, would intervene in his people's everyday life? Perhaps it was just a book. (I am inclined to believe so).
Within the past year I began to contemplate, in my head, a little phrase that I made up one day when I was in deep though: "god isn't dead (Nietzsche reference/refutation), he just moved on to better things."
I am more conviced of this than I am of anything I have ever been taught from a religious vantage. At least this theory has the potential to explain our existence, our struggles, and our suffering.
There are thousands upon thousands of different religions in the world. Your odds of picking the "right" one and being "saved" are pretty darn slim (And that's assuming that there is a right answer). So, basically my theory is more promising than having faith and beliefs found in one specific religious sect; because, at least with my frame of mind, you won't have a 99% chance of being wrong and going to hell. Maybe we need to just accept the fact-in our egotistical minds- that maybe, just maybe we aren't so special. Perhaps we just die and that's it.
Accidental Eye Contact...
should I wave next time?
took a vote on AIM:
NotrDame919 (7:38:08 PM): no wave
NotrDame919 (7:38:11 PM): head nod
NotrDame919 (7:38:23 PM): and mouth the words, "what's up?"
NotrDame919 (7:38:26 PM): but dont actually say them
NotrDame919 (7:38:28 PM): thatd be weird
NotrDame919 (7:38:33 PM): cause you know they cant hear you
NotrDame919 (7:38:43 PM): not that anyone else would hear you to know if you said them or not
NotrDame919 (7:38:48 PM): so i guess that doesnt really matter
NotrDame919 (7:38:56 PM): oh go ahead and say "what's up"
Nics0314 (8:52:09 PM): you should flash the neighbor next time
strossdag2009 (8:33:36 PM): its especially akward when they're masterbating
H20hoops (7:48:17 PM): yes you should wave!
Volleyball146 (7:39:27 PM): please do...and tell me...you felt awkward??? is that the first time ever?
A87Fitch (7:02:26 PM): was the other person naked
A87Fitch (7:02:27 PM): ?
TheVBplaya9 (7:03:01 PM): we both were
A87Fitch (7:03:04 PM): the the answer is yes
TheVBplaya9 (7:03:21 PM): okay. what part of the body do i wave with?
A87Fitch (7:03:17 PM): its rude not to
TheVBplaya9 (7:03:38 PM): great now i was rude
A87Fitch (7:03:38 PM): haha
TheVBplaya9 (7:03:45 PM): so much for a first impression
A87Fitch (7:03:42 PM): well its after labor day
A87Fitch (7:03:43 PM): so your nipple
TheVBplaya9 (7:03:51 PM): right
TheVBplaya9 (7:03:55 PM): right nipple
A87Fitch (7:03:52 PM): no left one
TheVBplaya9 (7:03:59 PM): cuz the left nipple is white
TheVBplaya9 (7:04:02 PM): and you cant do that
TheVBplaya9 (7:04:04 PM): after labor day
A87Fitch (7:04:02 PM): which one is pierced
TheVBplaya9 (7:04:08 PM): left
TheVBplaya9 (7:04:09 PM): haha
A87Fitch (7:04:42 PM): kinky
Having TROUBLE Deciding?
"Paper or Plastic?" never looked so simple...
Everytime I write something in all caps, please picture me (or Stewie) shouting it... okay KEEP READING!!!
So the Iowa Caucus is fast approaching (January 3rd, to be exact), and you don't have a clue who you would like to see COME out ON TOP...
Personally, I am fairly torn (in several directions) on who I would like to see win on each side because I don't really like any one candidate, be it Democrat or Republican. So I was looking around for something to help me figure this MASSIVE DILEMMA out...
-->CLICK ME<--
So here's the deal, you can take this POLL and then it will show you your top 3 presidential candidate matches.
Don't just take the quiz and then make up your mind by the 3 faces that POP UP at the end. If you actually scroll over each candidate and the topics on the grid at the end, you can read their exact views.
If certain issues carry more weight for you, then you can adjust the scale on the right side to help you to better determine who's the right candidatemonster for you.
Some Fun Games
I have had mono for about 2 weeks now, so as you can imagine I've had a bit of down time. While in the process of recovering I felt it necessary to play some free games on the interwebmonster. So I thought I would list some fun games that I found and then leave a comment space for you kids to share some more games that you enjoy playing on the internet. And NO, looking up pornography is not considered "playing a game."
Hey, I mean, when you know who your audience is you might as well clarify some things for them that might otherwise be a bit in the gray, murky area to them. ;)
In no particular order:
Bloons Tower Defense 2: http://www.addictinggames.com/bloonstowerdefense2.html
Police Sniper: http://www.snipergames.net/games/policesniper.html
Camper Strike (If you like Counter Strike, this is clearly stolen from that): http://www.snipergames.net/games/camperstrike.html
Defend Your Castle: http://www.xgenstudios.com/play/castle
Of course you can find games on addictinggames.com and a bunch of other places, and who doesn't love to procrastinate when there is work to be done?
So please share any links to games that you have!!!
What if you spray your whole body?
Just imagine the fun/awkwardness/pranks/etc. associated with this....
Now playing: Funeral for a Friend - Storytelling
via FoxyTunes
White Tie Affair/Boys Like Girls=sexy
First off: Check out The White Tie Affair
Secondly, it wasn't easy, but I found one of the sexiest live acoustic Boys Like Girls videos ever. (It was pulled from Youtube for legal reasons)
Good talk,
Milwaukee Kids Might Get This
So I had to attend an outside assignment for my JMC201 course. It was a pannel discussion about Alderman Michael McGee sponsored by some multicultural club dealio. I think what I wrote below is pretty self-explanatory. Love me, hate me, or whatevaaa.
To start, I’d like to say that the panel discussion about Michael McGee and his arrest was not very well organized. Both panelists showed up late and one of them, Mr. Sanford, couldn’t even talk about the issue as it related to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel because he had signed an agreement with the paper about two weeks prior.
Overall, the goal of the organization sponsoring the panel, and the panelists themselves, was to show the audience how the media, and individuals involved in McGee’s arrest, were all racist. I did not buy into this concept. Although it is possible that all of the individuals involved in his arrest, arraignment, bail-setting, etcetera were all white, I highly doubt that they were all racist. The same goes for every news outlet that has covered the story.
Most of the arguments made were based on emotion, rather than logic. The fact that McGee has been shown in photos in a jail jumpsuit outfit and in handcuffs, to me, is not racist. He was arrested and that is the standard operating procedure for such and event. Additionally, panelists asserted that the term “thug” has been used to describe McGee on numerous occasions. Panelist Shaw alleged that the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel had used the term to describe McGee several times. Panelist Sanford, who used to write for the Journal, disagreed with him outright. When all was said and done, it appeared that Mark Belling and some online bloggers were the only ones who actually used the term “thug” to describe Michael McGee.
Personally, I do not see myself as a racist person. Yet, any white person in the audience who disagreed with the panelists was told that they were just so used to seeing racism in the news media that they didn’t even realize it when it was right in front of their face. To me that is fairly ridiculous. I’ve seen both white and black men shown in orange jumpsuits on the news and in the papers: so why is it racist to show McGee in this fashion?
One final point that really astounded me came from a lady who was in the audience and enjoyed sharing her opinion every five minutes. She said that Michael McGee was a figure of authority, an elected official. The fact that he was an Alderman meant, to her, that we should never say bad things about him. We should “respect the office,” she said. I have one name to respond to that concept: George W. Bush.
Now I am not the biggest fan of our president, but I think that any person who isn’t a fan of totalitarianism would say that we should question authority and hold public figures accountable for committing crimes. I can guarantee you that at least half of the crowd in attendance had made fun of, accused, questioned, or otherwise spoken negatively about George Bush at some point in their lives. This lady must have been smoking something before she came to the event.
Joe Dad's Response to As The World Turns
I have nothing to say to prepare you for what you are about to read, so just read it...
GreatGnome (2:43:32 PM): Dear David
GreatGnome (2:43:35 PM): I feel like I want to punch you.
GreatGnome (2:43:40 PM): I watched the freaking "As The World Turns."
GreatGnome (2:43:58 PM): my virgin eyes and ears have been exposed to the half-naked (and dripping wet) truth of homosexuality
GreatGnome (2:44:25 PM): previously i thought it was just one man... accidentally sitting on another man's penis... ... ... repeatedly
GreatGnome (2:44:38 PM): now i know there might be more to it and i am disgusted and offended
GreatGnome (2:44:40 PM): thank you
GreatGnome (2:44:44 PM): i hate you
[The video he is referencing is posted on previous blog about 2 or 3 below this one]
As always,
Music For You Kids
Kevin has been holding a gun to my head and making me listen to new music because he works for Sony and just bought a new gun. So, uhh I guess I wanted to share some bands with you guys and that's all.
I'll tell kevin to post more stuff on here once I get a bigger gun.
Highly anticipated/much needed UPDATE!!!
That's good enough reason for me to write these words that I am writing right now.
So here's the deal: I will actually be getting an SUV to replace my totalled car. You can decide whether or not it was because of the poll --->
if it was simply how it worked out...
Let's just say it was because of your votes... cough.
Tomorrow night I will be picking up a 2004 Hyundai Santa Fe. It's pretty sexy, but I have to pay the monthly payments and my back/neck are still messed up :(
In regard to the "Who's Gay?" poll... you guys seem to be very much so inclined to think that all three of us are in some sort of gay love triangle...
Which actually reminds me: Strange sidenotemonster...
I started watching As The World Turns (yah I dont know why) a few weeks ago. A bunch of episodes are on Youtube and somehow I got hooked on the one called
"Luke and Noah's Story"
The first video of the series is here:
AND it starts getting "interesting" here:
AND then after that...
Well, you watch them if you care.
Alright, well I have to do some homework, but you kids stay classy.

So Packers are 8-1. That pretty much rules. But what I really wanted to share was this ridiculous return by the Cleveland Browns against Pittsburg.
It won't give me the imbed link so heres the link to the site: http://www.nfl.com/videos?videoId=09000d5d804140b6
Absolutely nonsense.
P.S. who wants to buy me a new car, a lady thought it would be cool to hit me going 45 and push me into an SUV. I'm in a bit of pain :(
Shout out from The Man, The Myth, The Legend
Joe Dad, AKA Joe Dad, was our (Dave and I) RD freshman year, and I'm severely underestimating this when I say that he is the coolest person to ever walk on the face of the planet. I'd like to share his input:
"I had a thought I care to share with you. In reference to which state is better, Pa or Wi, I want to weigh in. Wi is only one little "i" short of being Wii. That's pretty bitchin... if you're 1) afraid (or allergic) to the outdoors, 2) afraid of physical fitness or 3) neither you just like Wii. BUT... PA is also one teeny "i" away from being "IPA" which as we all know stands for India Pale Ale. So... hands down, despite the unusual flavor of most pale ales, it wins hands down in my book. The only compromise would be if you could create a state called "Wisconsylvania" or "Pennsconsin" (I prefer the first). If you lived in Wisconsylvania, you could avoid the discussion of which was better and drink IPA until you Wii'd all over the floor. Thank you for your time."Further enhancing his awesomeness one rant at a time....
Okay Kids, Looks like our readers are deep thinkers
Choices were as follows:
- If the 2008 Election were today, who would we vote for and why?
- Which state is better PA or Wi
- Is there a "God"/ Can you prove it?
- Something Else, If you pick this, sent a comment on what you want
I know there are still 2 days left to vote, but it has become apparent that YOU, our loyal readers, have spoken.
We could have talked politics, pros and cons of different candidates.
We could have discussed religion and debated the existence of "God"
You could have asked for something else, maybe something more meaningful to you
Of Course
The deep, highly debated, and timeless question of: Which state is better Pa or WI is clearly the choice of you, the reader.
So Here goes:
Neither is better. There, I said it. NEXT DEBATE!!!
Okay, but seriously. Here's an answer for you:
For summer entertainment, PA loses hands down. If you have ever heard of, or been to SUMMERFEST-->THE WORLD'S LARGEST MUSIC FESTIVAL then you would know why.
As for Fall: I give it to PA. The rolling hills/mountains with the leaves changing....glorious.
Winter: Neither, get the hell out of both states before Fall ends SERIOUSLY.
Spring... I'd probably hang out wherever I fled to during winter until Summer time rolls around again.
Short but sweet,
Colbert, Lucky Boys, Marquette Stupidity, PA vs. WI WINTER
Unsurpisingly, as you will also see, none of it is really of any immediate or dramatic consequence, yet all of it is interesting enough... at least to me.
So in no particular order and lacking any sort of inherent hierarchy, (and yet somehow seeming to make everything right in the world...) I begin:
Marquette University: Worst news writing I have ever seen for a college newspaper
(And I wrote for the Troubadour and now the UWM Post. So go figure.)
The writer basically interviewed a few mentally challanged freshman from UWM and then wrote a bias-filled, typo-ridden, hollier-than-thou slanted article. I wont go on a rant right now, just read the article for yourself and then read all the responses directly underneath it: Prowling in Panther territory—life at UWM
Stephen Colbert: Democrats Ruin the Fun
I'm not sure if you kids have heard, but the Democrats turned down Colbert's Democratic run for President in the state of North Carolina.
Declaration video:
Just when you thought politics could be fun and not dominated by gray-haired, mean-faced liars, BOOM! They shot him down.
Damn Democrats...video:
Claiming that he didn't turn in his paperwork on time, the Democrats of the committee in N.C. spent more time preaching about the seriousness of politics, and how Colbert wasn't "qualified."
The last time I checked we had Senators and Representatives soliciting sex online, in airport bathrooms and hiding hundreds of thousands of dollars in their freezers (gotta make sure that illegal funding doesn't go bad).
Hell, I would have loved to have seen Colbert ask the questions that nobody else will to the other candidates. Can't you picture his face? He wouldn't even have to put up the facade of politeness. I'm sick of politicians being tossed up softball questions or just dodging the issues.
Conclusion: The Democrats ruined what could have been history in the making, or at least highly entertaining. Everyone is always saying how they want CHANGE; change in the system, change in leadership, more honesty, more openness.
I guarantee this would have increased voter turnout, especially amongst younger kids. People would have started to PAY ATTENTION to political process more. COLBERT PLEASE JUST RUN AS AN INDEPENDENT IN ANOTHER STATE!!! (yeah, I know he's not reading this...)
I was going to do LUCKY BOYS CONFUSION video posting now, but it's still downloading from Kelly... sooo.. ummm...
wow, this is awkward... (averts eyes from screen)
ahhh, here's something:
Pennsylvania v. Wisconsin: Which has the dreariest/crappiest/darkest/most suicide inducing WINTER?
I propose that Corey in PA and I, David Allen Acker the 5th (long line of French Kings) post photos on here of just how shitty and depressing the winter gets.
1- They must be somehow related to winter (that's a given)
2- They CAN include people
3- They must be taken by either Corey or myself...gotta avoid © Law...
(And yes, I stole that little "©" sign, but good luck proving where it's from)
So I guess we will post these pictures and compile them somehow then at the end. And you then, our loyal readers from across the globe, will vote to see who has the most dreariest/crappiest/darkest/most suicide inducing WINTER.
Download is at 98%, hang in there... maybe vote for something on the right if you haven't --->
or vote twice, that's the fun of unsupervised elections...
HERE IT IS: "Cigarettes" by Lucky Boys Confusion, Live @ the Varsity Theatre, Marquette University 's writers suck.
Yah, it wont let me upload.
So just as most of my posts end....
Happy disappointment,
Testing 1, 2....
For the record, "no-shave November" has started and pictures are coming soon....
Here's the quick rules:
1) only applies to mustache and beard area.....unmentionables are ok
2) neck beard is ok to shave to prevent insanity....
simple enough, right? we'll see...
so I pretty much gave up on the NFL this year being that my favorite teams are the Dolphins and Eagles.....hockey started right, HEY let's go Devils!
Saint Francis is highly anticipating the upcoming visit from Mr. David Acker....can't wait, destruction time....
I think that's all for now, just wanted to try this blogmoster thing out...
no expectations, no disappointments,
Now playing: Sufjan Stevens - Chicago
via FoxyTunes
Lucky Boys Confusion
Basically, to make a long and sexy story short, Kelly took some sweet video with her camera from our front row location.
If you like the song "Cigarettes" I will be posting the live video of it on here as soon as possible.
If you do not currently listen to Lucky Boys, but would like to, you can do one of two things:
1) go to www.myspace.com/luckyboysconfusion
2) IM me and plead with me for free music sharing adventuremonster time.
(If you do not already know about the importance of the "monster" suffix, please refer to the previous blog post.
AIM screen name: thevbplaya9
Alright, I'm watching Spider Man 3, so ... uhh... yah
Later kids
P.S. Packers 7-1... call it luck... call it skill... chances are it's better than your team ;)
(unless of course your team is, in fact, the Green Bay Packers... in which case we are tied)
What do you expect from us? GOSH!
So Here are some things to expect on this blogmonster soon:
Sidenote #1: The suffix "monster" can be added to almost any word to make it that much better/confusing/descriptive/exciting.
1. Corey Hine's "NO SHAVE NOVEMBER" including preliminary pictures
2. Music updates from Kevin (We just saw Paramore w/ The Starting Line)
Sidenote #2: If you do not currently listen to Paramore, start doing it: www.myspace.com/paramore
Kevin gave me a good little lecture on why we should stop downloading music illegally and start paying, maybe he'll tell you kids about that too? I might have to poke him with a hot iron, but something will be written about it.
3. I suppose we might also start up a debate on something religious or political. I mean, that's kind of the point right?
So I am going to post a new survey right after I post this one. I am not too certain as to whether or not old surveys are kept in archives, so I will also post the results of the last survey on here.
IN FACT... I will do that right now:
The Question Was: "Which kids do you know?"
12 votes recorded
Kevin 0%
Corey 0%
David 8%
Kevin and David 8%
Corey and David 50%
All 3 of us 33%
Analysis: I am more popular, eat it.
Until next time,
The Dave
Honey, What's This?
To be honest, we really don't know.
I was a little tipsy last night and decided to text Corey to see if he wanted to start a nonsense blog. The early morning Halloween texting went as follows:
1:04 a.m. (Dave)- Happy Halloween
1:05 a.m. (Corey)- You too mother fucker
1:11 a.m. (Dave)- Hey. If I start a blog about religion and politics and w.e. will u co-post on it at ur leisure? just for fun?
[After much deep thought]
1:37 a.m. (Corey)- Yes sir most definitely
1:39 a.m. (Dave)- Sweet we need a name for it then. hmm
That's the behind the scenes discussion of two geniuses. So now you might be asking yourself, "who's this Kevin kid?" and "wait, isn't he retarded?" The short answer is: One of my roommates, and YES.
"So Dave, what are you kids going to post on this blog? And why do you keep typing questions to yourself in quotes?"
We will post whatever we want, some general areas we might more frequently cover include:
-Religion (Kevin has faith, Corey doesn't, and I'm leaning towards the dark side)
-Politics (Kevin is liberal, Corey is conservative, and I'm lost)
-Music (Kevin is a music god working for Sony -maybe I will start worshiping him? - and Corey and I are pretty musically inclined ourselves)
- Stuff (We do what we want)
So, I guess that is all I have for now. Keep checking in, as I think that between the three of us we might post something new every few fortnights...depending on A.D.D, alcohol consumption (we are all of age), and whatever other diseases we acquire or drugs we experiment with.
Put this blog into your favorites or else.
As Sincere As I Can Get,